Heads up to my loyal readers. Sci Phi Journal has published my latest short story “Anacyclosis” on their site.

This story has been a long time coming. I actually wrote it two years ago. SPJ bought it before they switched to a Patreon subscription system, and it got a bit lost in the shuffle. Now it is available for your reading pleasure at last!
A brief description of the story: Centuries from now and light years from earth, UCP Lieutenant Kob Agur flies his mech into battle against an enigmatic alien race bent on exterminating mankind. Believing humanity’s cause lost, the fatalistic pilot fights not to serve his government or defend his home, but to earn a glorious death that even his foes will never forget.
Will Kob achieve his ambition of going down in history? Read the free sample; then subscribe to SPJ on Patreon to find out!
NB: I serve my readers and don’t ask them to do anything I’m unwilling to do myself. Be assured that I also subscribe to Sci Phi Journal via Patreon. Along with Cirsova, they’re currently the only SF short fiction magazine dedicated to putting readers and fun stories first.
Just like I do in novel form.