The time has come to vote on which concept sketch will be finalized into the official cover for my third Soul Cycle book, The Secret Kings. My superlative cover artist Marcelo Orsi Blanco has provided three cover sketches for our delight and contemplation. The first two are presented below, and the third will go head-to-head against the winner of round 1.

The process is simple. Decide which of the images above you’d prefer to see become SK’s cover. State your preference for A or B in the comments below or by sending me an email. Of course, one vote per customer, please.
The polls will be open for 24 hours starting at 3:00 PM Central Daylight Time, after which the winner of round 1 will be announced and paired against sketch 3 for the second round.
Thank you in advance for helping to make SFF fun again.
UPDATE: Sketch A has won the first round of testing. Thanks to everybody who voted in round one. Round two begins tomorrow.

P.S. There’s still time to read Soul Cycle books 1 and 2 before The Secret Kings launches this Christmas.
It has action, movement, and a story of some kind. B, even though also beautiful, is static; mostly people posing.
B is nice but it doesn't stand out at all. Reminds me of a typical Science Fiction/Fantasy cover. A tells you everything you're gonna get before you get it.
I really like them both, but I have to go with A.
I am going to buck the trend and say B.
We've seen space opera covers, and B is the ragtag bunch of misfits come together to punch out Cthulu.
Don't get me wrong, A is great. I like B better, and it would make an iconic movie poster.
I like B. It gives me a message that a few are willing to stand strong, brave the storm, and united against a system that oppresses all.
Both are awesome, Marcelo has outdone himself. Like many others I'm going to have to go with A. I REALLY like B, but it seems like Marcelo isn't at his strongest with people, and the figures in B would need to be really slick.