Where does the time go? It seems like only yesterday that Daddy Warpig and Dorrinal invited me on Geek Gab as guest. Little did I know that their invitation would lead to a permanent hosting gig that would span two years and beyond.
Thanks to my redoubtable co-hosts and the loyal fans who’ve taken the time to listen in!
Join us for our anniversary celebration, where we talk about our favorite celebrity guests, Tim Burton, Ghostbusters 2016, and whatever else we feel like!
In book news, The Secret Kings, Soul Cycle Book III is complete on my end. The finished manuscript has been submitted for final formatting, which should be done by the end of this week. Long story short: the third installment in my award-winning SFF/horror series will be released within the next two weeks, with time to spare before Christmas.

Thanks to my international team of publishing experts, including L. Jagi Lamplighter, Marcelo Orsi Blanco, and Jason and Marina Anderson for their timely and excellent work. Thanks to my valued beta readers for helping to make SK the best book it can be, and to everyone who voted in the cover A-B test. Pre-release consensus is that the Soul Cycle has come into its own with this book, and I can’t wait to share this thrilling tale with my beloved readers.
Keep an eye on my social media channels for release details. Honestly, this launch will be hard to miss 😉
In the meantime, you’ll definitely want to get the first two Soul Cycle books, for yourself or for an SFF lover on your Christmas list who hasn’t yet been introduced to this fan favorite series.