By popular demand, your humble servants at Geek Gab are thrilled to bring you the ultimate meeting of the mega-geek minds!

That’s right, ladies and gentlemen. Daddy Warpig, Dorrinal, and I proudly announce that Razörfist the Rageaholic and Jeffro Johnson of the Castalia House blog will be appearing together for the first time!
The topic of conversation will be Jeffro’s revolutionary Appendix N, the pulps in general, and whatever else our esteemed guests feel like gabbing about.
This historic dialogue will take place on Saturday, February 18th, only on Geek Gab!

Of course, organizing such an epic production takes time. We’re working hard to finalize plans, and you will be notified of the official showtime here and on your hosts’ various social media accounts.
Meanwhile, I am readying myself for a whole lot of shutting up and listening in awed fascination!
Join us, won’t you?
This is going to be AMAZING.
We're prepared to accept the likely damage to the space-time continuum.
I'm surprised the EPA doesn't have a division devoted to such contingencies.
They didn't use the magic word.
Nice! Hopefully I can make it back in time to see it live.
I hope you can, too. Just waiting to hear back from a couple of folks before announcing the time.
You guys have added John C Wright to the mix? Are you trying to murder the universe with sheer awesome?
I was going to make the announcement on Friday, but you found us out. Yes. This show may cause irreparable damage to the spacetime continuum.