It is truly a delight to announce that at long last, Corrosion, The Corroding Empire Book 1 is available in the Kindle Store!
Followers of this blog will know that Johan Kalsi’s debut novel had a long and difficult road to publication. Saboteurs within KDP quality control didn’t want you to read this book. What more reason do you need to buy it?
I’ve got one. How about the fact that Corrosion is already more reviewed and better received than its direct rival?
Despite having an unfair two day head start thanks to the Amazon SJW’s interference, The Collapsing Empire is already losing ground to Corrosion. Their respective ranks are currently:
- Collapsing 174
- Corroding 918
UPDATE: You guys are causing some drastic changes in the Amazon rankings. This morning, The Collapsing Empire was at 174, and Corrosion was at 918. Here are your current numbers.
- The Collapsing Empire 227
- Corrosion 693
That’s a difference of roughly 50 sales! Thanks to lovers of fun, non-SJW converged science fiction, and SJWs themselves, whose spate of fake reviews have put Streisand in full effect.
You have the power to boost a superior sci-fi novel above the overpriced mediocrity it’s parodying. Every sale counts. Buy Corrosion The Corroding Empire Book 1 now!
Thought: unemployed SJWs have been busy posting fake reviews all day while their favored horse has been lagging. It’ll be interesting to see what happens when normal folks get home from work and log in to Amazon.