Site icon Kairos – By Brian Niemeier


Author, editor, publisher, and all-around Renaissance man Russell Newquist proudly announces the launch of Lyonesse.

What is Lyonesse, you ask? Ever since elitist New York editors destroyed the sci-fi short story market by foisting their lit-fic tastes on readers, enterprising publishers have sought a way to revive the once-dominant short fiction format. With Lyonesse, Mr. Newquist and the fine folks at Silver Empire may have found SFF publishing’s holy grail.

While venerable SF magazines struggle to keep the lights on, Lyonesse takes an updated approach to bringing readers the best science fiction and fantasy stories. For a yearly subscription fee that starts in the same price range as a single Baen eBook, you can have a fun, high-quality SFF short story delivered straight to your inbox each week.

And for all you aspiring SFF authors despairing of the short story market’s sorry state, 60% of all Lyonesse subscription fees go to their writers. In an industry that all too often treats writers like cattle, Lyonesse wants to make sure that you GET PAID!

I’ve heard from several quarters that subscription services might just be the future of publishing. Lyonesse may have cracked the problem of finding a viable short fiction publication model. They’re well worth keeping an eye on for that reason alone.

Lyonesse: come for the quality SFF shorts. Stay for the paradigm shift.

This series just gets better


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