Site icon Kairos – By Brian Niemeier

Major Updates

There’s a lot going on today, so I’ll make this quick.
Audio is for closers

First, a big update to my audiobook post. That one may have been my most controversial non-Puppy-related post. Lots of folks are passionate about getting the Soul Cycle in audio, and they’ve suggested ways that I could make it happen on my budget.

Like I’ve said on many occasions, you guys are my bosses. I do whatever I can to meet your needs to the best of my ability. Rest assured that I have been working behind the scenes for a while to bring you Soul Cycle audiobooks.
There was one avenue in particular that I was exploring, but I didn’t want to say anything until I closed the deal. Well, those of you who watched last night’s Darkstream will know by now that Vox Day let the cat out of the bag, so I doubt he’ll object if I share his announcement here.
That’s right. I’ve sold the audio rights for the Soul Cycle to Castalia House!
You can listen to a replay of Vox announcing the deal on Periscope.
To anticipate the most likely questions:
  • No, I’m not selling the print or eBook rights to CH. My earnings thus far have already beaten the industry standard new author contract, and changing publishers would reset the Soul Cycle’s Amazon rankings and reviews to zero. Vox agrees that’s a bad idea.
  • I don’t know when the SC audiobooks will be out. That’s now entirely up to Castalia House. I’ll be sure to update you as new information becomes available.
This is a super exciting deal. I wouldn’t have been able to produce SC audiobooks for years working on my own. Castalia House reduces my up-front costs to zero and pays better royalties than ACX. I win, CH wins, and most importantly, you guys win.
Your next Puppy of the Month
If the news that Soul Cycle audiobooks are finally on the way weren’t reason enough to celebrate, the fine gentlemen at the Puppy of the Month Book Club have a special surprise for you.
My Dragon Award-winning SFF/horror novel Souldancer is April’s Puppy of the Month!
Thanks to Jon, Nathan, and the Frisky Pagan for selecting SD for your next insightful read-through.

If any of you out there reading this haven’t experienced a Puppy of the Month read-along yet, you’re in for a treat. Jon, Nate, and the FP know their stuff. In fact, their in-depth review of Nethereal pointed out obscure references and subtle plot points that nobody else found.

With its more prominent romance element–Red SF style; not Pink SF–and even greater emphasis on action, I think SD will resonate with the PotMBK’s readers even more than its predecessor did. Read along next month to find out!

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