Site icon Kairos – By Brian Niemeier

Compared to David Lynch

Over at the Puppy of the Month Book Club, Jon Mollison concludes his multi-part review of Souldancer with what is, in my opinion, a rather flattering comparison.

Finishing Brian Niemeier’s works always leave me feeling like I’ve just finished watching a David Lynch film. A little tired, a little confused, but ultimately satisfied.

Thank you, Jon. That satisfaction you get from reading SFF that entertains while respecting your intelligence enough not to hold your hand the whole way is exactly the feeling I try to instill in my readers.

And seeing as how David Lynch is one of my favorite directors, I’d take any comparison to his work, even an unfavorable one, as high praise.

Again, that’s not a complaint.  These books will be going in my re-read pile, because seeing the destination has already opened my eyes to a lot of things that went on along the path to get there.

You can read the whole thing here. Wait until he gets to The Secret Kings!

Speaking of which, anyone who doesn’t already own all three books in the fan-pleasing, award-winning Soul Cycle has just three days left to get Nethereal, Souldancer, and The Secret Kings (or each book individually) on sale. Come May, they’ll be back to their regular price.

In other news, I took part in the first-ever Geek Gab special last night. The topic was pen and paper RPGs, with a special focus on Dungeons & Dragons’ OSR rules. Dorrinal took over hosting duties for this very special episode, and we welcomed Appendix N author Jeffro Johnson as our expert guest.

It’s safe to say that all involved were entertained and enriched. Luckily for you, the video is up on our channel so you can experience the nerdy fun.

And don’t forget: the countdown has already begun to Geek Gab’s second pulpstravaganza as we once again welcome Jeffro, author John C. Wright, and two-time Hugo finalist firebrand Razörfist!

The pulpocalypse commences this Saturday at 4:00 PM Eastern. Obliterate anything that obstructs you from being there!


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