On this episode of Geek Gab, Daddy Warpig sees Alien Covenant so you don’t have to. I also briefly discuss the classic mafia film The Godfather.
And remember: thanks to Ridley Scott you will never get to see this movie:

Or this one:

On this episode of Geek Gab, Daddy Warpig sees Alien Covenant so you don’t have to. I also briefly discuss the classic mafia film The Godfather.
And remember: thanks to Ridley Scott you will never get to see this movie:
Or this one:
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Pity. Hollywood poisons more than it cultivates.
Poor converged Hollywood, the Shambling Zombie of Former Entertainment.
I for one welcome Hollywood's Chinese overlords.
I don't welcome them. If you think the left is a headache Xi and his posse are trying to bring back a mix of insufferable Chinese chauvanism with rancid Marxism. I don't want my movies to be praising the wisdom of the last triad standing