This week on Geek Gab, controversy breaks out among your humble hosts over the new Marvel film, Guardians of the Galaxy vol. 2. Is James Gunn’s second MCU offering better than, inferior to, or about the same as his first space opera tour de force?
Also, the premier episode of my new Geek Gab gaiden series On the Books is now available on SoundCloud thanks to Daddy Warpig!
I like to give my blog readers a little inside info for their loyalty, so it’s my pleasure to announce that the next episode of OtB will feature authors Nick Cole: Dragon of the Apocalypse, and L. Jagi Lamplighter Wright–my esteemed editor. Bonus: special guest Daddy Warpig drops in from Geek Gab Prime to join the festivities.
The show airs live on YouTube this Wednesday, May 10th at 4:00 PM Eastern. We’ll be discussing book promotion through blog and podcast tours. Plus, you can pose your questions to our expert panel of guests live in the chat. Don’t miss it!
Last but not least, final edits to the first novel in my upcoming three book series with Castalia House are proceeding apace. Look for book 1 to be released in late June or early July. As always, keep an eye on this blog for more details as they become available.
Luckily, I’ve got plenty to keep you entertained until then.