After years of negotiations and one too many lamentable movies from SONY, Marvel has (temporarily) regained the rights to Spider-Man.
Has Marvel redeemed their most beloved character’s troubled franchise? Listen in to the latest episode of Geek Gab and find out!
Bonus: I review the first episode of Netflix’s original Castlevania animated series. Can writer Warren Ellis display a basic grasp of history, avoid a slew of post-1980 genre tropes, and stop being a poor man’s Alan Moore?
No, he cannot. As a result, Netflix has produced a show less deserving of a review than a public service announcement against STDs. Listen in for the same reason you’ve listened to recordings of the Hindenburg disaster.
For a series that ditches the postmodern tropes in favor of straight up, fast-paced fun, check out my award-winning Soul Cycle.

And don’t forget, my Dragon Award-eligible science fiction novel The Secret Kings, Soul Cycle Book III is now free through my newsletter!
The Dragon Awards are right around the corner. Nominate your favorite works of genre fiction here. It’s free!