Site icon Kairos – By Brian Niemeier

Appeasement Fails

Following Dragon Con’s reversal of their initial policy not to allow authors to withdraw from the Dragon Awards ballot, an SF SJW demonstrates the futility of DC’s attempt at appeasement.

If any Dragon Con organizers are reading this, please read Greg’s words closely. Remember: this comment was posted after the award administrators caved to SJW pressure and allowed authors to dictate a ballot that was supposed to be decided by fans.

How do SF SJWs thank Dragon Con for giving them what they want? By calling the award fake and accusing the organizers of being in league with white supremacists.

If you learn nothing else form this debacle, take this lesson to heart: the social justice warriors who destroyed the once venerable Hugo Awards care nothing for the readers who nominate their favorite works or for science fiction in general. Their sole concern is advancing a radical political agenda to the detriment of every field they infest. Look at the current state of comics, movies, and role-playing games for just a few prominent examples.

SJWs don’t care about quality. They don’t care about diversity. They don’t care about fun. They care about power. Giving in to their demands only grants them power over the targeted organization. And in return, they will complain more loudly, hurl more vicious insults, and make ever more lavish demands. They are not rational and cannot be negotiated with.

The only effective response to SJW demands is a firm “no”, repeated as often as necessary. And you must steel yourself to repeat it often. The opposition is relentless.

Greg is right in one regard. The Dragon Awards risk losing their intended meaning in only their second year. To salvage their integrity, the organizers are well advised to institute a new withdrawal policy, effective next year, stating that any author may withdraw from the ballot, but in so doing he incurs an automatic five-year disqualification from any of his works appearing on future Dragon Award ballots.

It’s a stringent measure, but it will assure the fans that their votes won’t be arbitrarily nullified on an author’s petulant whim.

Eric Flint also had the right idea. The best way to ensure that no one group can dominate the Dragon Awards is to increase the voter base. On the chance that registration is still open, here is the link to request a free ballot.

Also, today is the last day that my Dragon Award-nominated space opera THE SECRET KINGS will be available for free in the Kindle Store. Download your copy now!


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