Best selling author Nick Cole shares some highly profitable productivity tips for authors.
This is how you’re getting in the way of You the Writer and preventing your success:
- attempting too much at once
- unrealistic time estimates
- procrastinating
- lack of specific priorities
- failure to listen well
- doing it myself–failure to delegate
- unable to say no
- perfectionism–focusing on needless details
- lack of organization
- failure to write it down
- reluctance to get started
- absence of self-appointed deadlines
- not doing first things first
Nick is on to something. Let those who have ears hear.
I advise all writers to take the time to grab a pencil and paper, sit down, and ruthlessly examine your own habits against this list. Even if you consider yourself highly productive, there’s always room for improvement. Everyone should be able to write down at least one way in which he could follow these steps more closely. I did, and that’s one reason I’m cutting back on my editing work to focus on my single most profitable activity: writing.
Get Kill Team, Nick’s latest Galaxy’s Edge book here.
And don’t forget, my own award-winning Soul Cycle, including 2017 Dragon nominee The Secret Kings is now on sale for less than 9 bucks!
Reminder: the Dragon Awards are right around the corner. If you loved The Secret Kings, you can vote it Best Science Fiction Novel. Request your free ballot here!