Site icon Kairos – By Brian Niemeier

IT (2017)

Creation of Pennywise
Art by Rabbittooth

My low opinion of Hollywood, particularly their creative bankruptcy, is a matter of public record. Having exhausted the reserves of creative capital amassed by better men, the high priests of our culture are reduced to churning out one bland carbon copy sequel, remake, reboot, re-imagining, etc. after another.

It’s a trend that I have almost no tolerance for. Which is why you’ll probably find me and Daddy Warpig’s reaction to the remake of Stephen King’s notorious novel/TV miniseries IT surprising.

Check out our review on the latest episode of Geek Gab.

Full disclosure: I despise the novel and loved the IT miniseries when it first aired in 1990. I’ve watched the TV version a couple of times since, and it loses more of its luster with additional viewings. Let that give you some context for the podcast review.

And if you’re in the mood for a highly regarded horror novel that wasn’t written while the author was coked out of his mind, consider the Dragon Award-winning Souldancer.


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