Site icon Kairos – By Brian Niemeier

The Most Principled Guys on the Cinder

A common rhetorical tactic of the Left is to accuse their opponents of sounding angry–as if all the folks in flyover country whom the coastal bubble dwellers bitterly hate are a legion of hotheaded Skywalkers charged with a violation of the Jedi Code.

An even worse sin than general anger is “partisan anger”, i.e. getting mad at the people who’ve been working nonstop to ruin your life for decades because they hate you. Canny rhetoricians will note that the “you sound angry” card is an admission of guilt on the part of the Lefty who’s playing it.

The Left isn’t entirely wrong, though. There is a rising tide of partisan anger in America at present. They’re just wrong about where it’s directed.

I was privy to a discussion in which a down-on-his-luck tech industry veteran was denied a job by a small business owner and ideological fellow traveler. Why? Because of the latter’s hard and fast policy against hiring anyone who’s been out o a job for more than three months.

You already know these gentlemen’s political persuasion. Leftists never let trivialities like job history, relevant experience, personality, or even basic competence get in the way of packing their offices with fellow cult members. The Equifax debacle proves that.

This is why the SJW swarm and disemploy tactic remains effective. Not only are conservative employers quick to offer their workers’ scalps to SJW hate mobs; they participate in the social justice blacklist by taking the manufactured charges seriously and treating disemployed targets like lepers.

Conservatives pride themselves on being entrepreneurs. If they stopped caving to the point and shriek routine, it would lose its effectiveness overnight.

Imagine if conservative business owners refused to fire employees at the SJWs’ whim. Let’s go a step further. What if conservatives made a point of hiring victims of SJW mobs? (Rank heresy to “best candidate for the job regardless of political persuasion” free marketeers, I know.) Going way out on a limb, think of what would happen if conservative managers proactively fired all confirmed SJWs working at their companies.

“A whole slew of wrongful termination lawsuits is what would happen!” I can hear a gaggle of conservatives whine. I’m not advocating that anyone break the law. Just look to the Left, though, and you’ll see they’ve found creative ways to terminate wrongthinkers while keeping their noses clean. Exhibit A: former Mozilla CEO Brendan Eich being pressured to resign for perfectly legal behavior that was also in line with reason and natural law–two concepts that conservatives claim to hold in high regard.

Which major conservative tech firm picked Eich up? Answer: nobody–possibly because there are no major conservative tech firms, which speaks volumes.

The grim workplace reality that anyone to the right of Chairman Mao has to deal with is that you’re on your own. No one is going to stick his neck out for you when the SJWs call for your head, and no one will care. After all, they’ve got theirs, and they’d hate to lose it.

It’s not just tech, either. Hard as it is to believe, almost every cultural and business institution in America was once what we’d now call conservative. Walt Disney once fired every communist from his studio. Science fiction stories used to take Western, Christian morals for granted. Harvard and Yale started out as seminaries.

How did we lose all of these institutions? There were concerted efforts to converge these organizations, to be sure. But these attempts wouldn’t have succeeded if not for a fact that has become painfully clear: conservatives are cowards. They talk a good game about standing on principle, but the inescapable conclusion is that they don’t really believe what they’re saying. People who truly believe in and are informed by principles act on them.

Was your job shipped overseas or sacrificed to the SocJus death cult? Your conservative friends will tell you to hit the books and learn chemical engineering. Or move to North Dakota and work the oil fields. Or slum it as a janitor to avoid the dreaded job history gap on your resume.

Never mind that the STEM jobs are going to H1Bs, and the unskilled blue-collar jobs are going to illegal aliens. Never mind that real wages have been stagnant since the 70s. And never mind that our ruggedly independent, principled conservatives won’t try any such desperate measures themselves.

After all, they’ve got theirs. And they forge their principles in the tradition of Cain, the original agribusiness pioneer. Screw you for playing the victim!

Yes, there’s a great deal of partisan anger. And unless Hindu cow conservatives bestir themselves to support those who are suffering for their principles, they’ll find themselves the most principled guys on the cinder.

Don’t give money or votes to parties that hate you.

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