Now that my newsletter subscribers have duly received their early look, I’m delighted to share the cover of The Ophian Rising, Soul Cycle Book IV with the reading public. As with the previous three books’ stellar cover designs, this cover comes to us from the hand of visionary artist Marcelo Orsi Blanco.
About The Ophian Rising
The Zadokim healed the cosmos from the ravages of the Cataclysm, and the survivors made them kings. Now the Ophians, a ruthless insurgent movement, wage a vicious uprising against their immortal rulers’ two hundred year reign.
Xander and Astlin have transformed the desert world of Tharis into the hub of a flourishing trade empire. Their Nesshin subjects spread a new faith promising true freedom in another universe. But when Astlin seeks forbidden knowledge to resurrect her long-dead family, sinister forces exact a terrible price from those she loves.
With the Ophian threat engulfing the spheres and a primeval terror rising from its prison, Astlin must turn to a shiftless gambler, the outlaw squire of a fallen knight, and a mismatched pair of smugglers to escape the ghosts of her past and save all souls from eternal death. But can mortals succeed where even gods have failed?
I’m also pleased to announce that I’ll be giving away advance review copies in preparation for the new book’s release. All you need to do to reserve your very own Ophian Rising eARC is send me an email agreeing to leave a review on Amazon on OR’s launch day. Just click the “Send Me an Email” button at the top of the left sidebar or copy and paste the following address:
Those who request an eARC and promise to leave an Amazon review on launch day will receive an advance review copy in mobi and/or epub format as soon as the files are available. The Ophian Rising is scheduled to launch in December, but don’t worry. The eARCs will be sent out in plenty of time for everyone to finish reading the book by launch day.
Thanks to all of the advance readers who’ve graciously agreed to write reviews thus far. If you’d like to get the free advance copy of OR but you haven’t read Nethereal, SD ,or SK yet, there’s still time to finish reading the series before the final volume’s release.