Author JD Cowan provides a simple list of steps that movie, television, comic book, and novel writers can take to avoid ticking him–and other civilized men–off.
These four points are literally (in the actual sense of the word) all you need to do to get me to nod along and consume your story without it giving me a stomach ache. It’s not hard or baffling to comprehend. I’m actually a very easy person to please and my standards are not all that high. I am a proud fan of Samurai Pizza Cats after all.
All I ask, aside from general technical competence, are four very simple things.
Doesn’t seem unreasonable. Let’s take a look at the list.
1. Do not spit in my face
General rule. Whatever you’re writing, you’re writing for a general audience. You are not writing for a niche audience, even if it is a niche genre.
Now before my fellow authors come in here screaming that I’m wrong and that you can’t sell to “everyone”–you are misunderstanding my point. I’m saying you’re writing for the general fan of whatever your story’s genre is. The general audience. You are writing for all erotic romance fans and not just furries. You are writing for all Star Trek fans and not just Voyager fans. You are writing for all free verse poetry fans and not those who dislike poetry. You are not writing for a subset of that particular audience but for all of them.
This means I don’t expect characters to stop the story in mid-tale to tell me my religion is for idiots or that folks with certain political opinions should be euthanized. The immersion is broken. Even if I agree with whatever opinion it is, it doesn’t matter. You are stopping the story in order to talk down to me. You are calling me stupid.
In short: Write to market. That means not only knowing what your audience likes. It especially means not insulting them. JD is correct in saying that if you can’t manage not to purposefully piss on your core audience, you shouldn’t be writing professionally.
2. Do not burn down your own universe
Your story has metaphysics and a way the world works. It is given to the audience from the word go. This means you are giving them expectations that you are obligated to fulfill. You owe them a complete story.
This means you can not introduce a new origin for a previously nonexistent race in your fantasy series that overwrites an important anecdote your side character gave in a previous story. The former is obviously of more import than the latter on a narrative level, but in terms of audience investment it is the latter that trumps it. The audience comes first. You are clearly shoehorning in new material at the expense of a character and story they were already invested in. You are insulting me by thinking I will not notice your idiotic sleight of hand.
This also applies to characters. Execution is everything, and I can get behind tragedy and irony when that is the point of the story, but a character should never willingly undo the reason he started his “quest” at the story’s start later on in the tale.
3. Do not make the main hero weak
Modern heroes are weak. It’s not entirely by design despite what you might think.
The obsession with shades of grey in morality has diluted both the power of heroes and villains, but especially heroism. I’m not against morally grey characters, but your protagonist has to be someone I can root for. He cannot be “just as bad, if you think about it” as the villain just because you want to feel clever as a writer.
4. Do not make the main villain weak
Modern villains are also weak. This is actually entirely by design.
Look at stories like Wicked or Maleficent. What did these tales do? They destroyed the source material in an attempt to reform the villain and make them seem like a victim and the hero like the bad guy.
Now this might seem very clever and creative, but it’s shallow. Simply swapping white hats and black hats is hackery. It’s weak. There’s nothing at all to it, and there’s nothing actually being created. This is subversive storytelling at its most vile.
Now look at that list and pair it with what Hollywood and traditional publishing is pushing out and tell me who are accomplishing these simple points that have been the bread and butter of stories since cave paintings were thought up. You won’t find much.
Day 6: $16,900,000 (-65.6% from Day 6 TFA)
$3,993 per screen (-67% from Day 6 TFA)
For a work of fiction that’s not designed to insult you, check out JD’s new novel Grey Cat Blues.