Site icon Kairos – By Brian Niemeier

Never Go Full SJW

A friend and reader writes:

Haha, it’s official — Tor newsletter just went full retard.
And with that, I’m going to unsubscribe.

He ain’t kidding! Here are some highlights. kicks off with a bit of garden variety historical revisionist boilerplate. Sure to be the talk of the junior college faculty lounge.
In case you were wondering whether SF SJWs can go five minutes on the internet without invoking Harry Potter, the answer is no, they cannot.
But they can make it six minutes before constructing tortured political allegories based on Disney’s Star Wars movies.
“I’ve seen people scream when they see a poorly drawn fish lip. They think it’s a monster. But it’s just a fish lip.
Pop-feminist historical criticism: check.
Harry Potter: check.
TFA: check.
Congratulations to for becoming the ultimate SF SJW stereotype. It could’ve been worse. They could have, I don’t know, foisted some clumsy Harry Potter-nuStar Wars mashup on us.
What’s this? We have a new contender!
Self-parody achieved. Goodnight, everybody.
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