Site icon Kairos – By Brian Niemeier

Fifth Columnists

The Fifth Column

The war to save Western civilization stands at a turning point. For years, the West seemed fated for terminal decline into a dystopia micromanaged by SJW kommissars. #GamerGate, Sad Puppies, and the election of Donald Trump offered hope that the tide was turning against anti-civilizational madness.

At this moment, neither a descent into barbarism nor a resurgence of Western culture seems inevitable. The future looks far less certain than it did just a few years–or even months–ago.

The current stalemate with the rainbow-haired, Commie-Puritan hordes is not due to the foe’s strategic genius, or even their base cunning. Indeed, God has done us the great favor of making our enemies ridiculous.

Take a moment to laugh at the infantilized androgyny on display. Then consider that the mewling freak show escapees we’re up against have not yet been driven–or helicoptered–into the sea. They still control the major power centers of government, academia, and the media.

No, my friend. The men of the West are not being held in check by the invincible bogeymen that make bow tie-bedecked Conservatives huddle under the covers. If such pathetic opposition has not been swept from the field, the fault lies with you and me.

A perennial weakness of conservative, libertarian, and traditionalist movements has been a penchant for radical individualism that undermines their solidarity. In effect, such groups tend to produce their own fifth columnists–members who sabotage the movement’s efforts from within.

Here is brief guide to the most destructive types of fifth columnists within the pro-civilization movement.


The cultural upheavals currently shaking the West to its core have reached a crisis point. We are now embroiled in a civil war fought (mostly) online with words and memes (for now).

It is the solemn duty of every man of good will to resist this all-out attack on the culture his forefathers bled and died for. The enemy have always been quite clear that they will give no quarter in battle and no mercy in victory.

Despite facing intractable opposition and the highest stakes imaginable, the hoary ranks of Conservatism are still rife with self-professed moderates who continue advocating compromise with an implacable foe.

Usually arguing from the Hegelian thesis-antithesis-synthesis model and adopting some form of Horseshoe Theory, moderates fussily busy themselves with tone-policing those of their allies who actually take the fight to the enemy.

Though fond of appearing sober and reasonable, moderates are actually ruled by a fear of being disliked by the Left that prevents them from accomplishing anything useful. Their calls for civility are only ever directed at their own side, while the barbarians they hope to impress howl for the blood of the moderates and their children.

Moderate self-assessment
Do you:

If you answered “yes” to most of those questions, kindly get out of the way so the rest of us can preserve a world where your cherished principles are still relevant.


Christianity is a necessary pillar of Western civilization. Not only do the Church’s teachings inform our cultural and legal traditions, she has saved the West from destruction time and again. If not for the brave Christian soldiers at Tours, Lepanto, and Vienna, Western civilization would have been scoured by the face of the earth by invading Muslim hordes.

Not only are men like Charles Martel and Don John of Austria sadly lacking today, a particularly loathsome breed of heretic has cropped up to undermine the Church from within.

Tainted by many of the same postures that motivate moderates, the new heretics fail to meet the intellectual rigor of Docetists, Nestorians, or Pelegians. Instead they give lip service to orthodoxy while indulging in the sin of despair–a material rather than a formal heresy.

To find the poster boy for this emasculated strain of Christianity that seeks preemptive surrender to the enemies of Christ, one need look no further than American Conservative columnist Rod Dreher. Here he is explaining how The Last Jedi contains several key themes of his cowardly Benedict Option plan for Christian self-ghettoization.

Surely retreating from society and living off sea cow milk is how Christ intended us to witness to the Gospel.

Sea Cow Option Heretic Self-assessment
Have you:

Then know that you have weakened the Church on earth like an autoimmune disease afflicting the Body of Christ. Furthermore, you have scandalized those who are turning away from the emptiness of atheism and atomized consumerism only to find their search for truth and fellowship obstructed by lukewarm (still not sorry) pseudo-apostates. You now have a chance to acknowledge your errors and repent. Failing that, Templar NEETs will be around soon to conduct you to a festive bonfire in the public square. I’m sure you’ll go along quietly.

No, I’m not including pictures of any THOTs. That’s exactly what they’d want me to do.
Every popular movement attracts leeches and grifters who hop on the bandwagon in search of money and attention. Perhaps the most conspicuous–and potentially detrimental–camp followers of the traditionalist movement are the crop of young women who’ve taken to social media to leverage their looks and superficial traditionalism for fame and filthy lucre. Common parlance labels such an opportunistic female pundit a THOT–“That Ho Over There”.
If you’ve noticed that the types of fifth columnists seem interconnected, you’re quite observant. While Christian moderates foment the soft heresy of despair, men who resist emasculation and seek traditional male-female relations are falling prey to THOTs.
“What’s the harm?” you might ask. The danger posed by THOTs goes beyond frivolous demands on men’s time and wallets. Nearly all major THOTs, to my knowledge, have turned out to harbor corrosive feminist ideas and/or unsavory personal histories that are far from traditional. THOTs are not only a distraction, they pose a real risk of poisoning love-starved men’s minds.
Former pick up artist guru Roosh V, who some say is in the midst of an Augustinian-style conversion, provides a handy THOT checklist.

If your favorite bubbly, Jordan Peterson-parroting YouTube girlpundit wouldn’t answer “yes” to at least two of those questions; run–don’t walk–away. You’re being played.

White Knights

THOTs aren’t the only women who are undermining Western civilization. As philosopher Stefan Molyneux points out, Western women in general favor bigger government and unchecked immigration while remaining woefully uninformed on relevant policy matters.

The only factor that reliably turns women away from socialism and open-borders civilizational suicide is marrying and having children with a non-Leftist man. The upshot is that women will follow the lead of men who are worth following.

Unfortunately, decadent pop culture has indoctrinated multiple generations of men with the lie that the way to earn women’s respect is to coddle them, placate them, and unconditionally validate their every decision. The result is a legion of white knights who will rush to defend any woman whose decisions are publicly questioned–regardless of how ill-advised those decisions may be.

When half the population is constantly reinforced in the contradictory notions that they are entitled to unchecked power and immunity from all accountability, the result is civilization-wide disaster.

It’s not hard. If you want equality, you have to have equal accountability. If you can’t stomach that, your choices are matriarchy or patriarchy.

White Knight Self-assessment
Are you:

If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, know that the object of your affections sees you only as an easy source of emotional validation, and that no amount of obsequious placating will convince her to see you as sexually desirable. Hang up your spurs and delete your account.
Pop Culture Paypigs
Hollywood hates its audience, and evidence continues emerging that the entertainment industry is controlled by evil perverts who treat men, women, and children in their power like cattle.
Continuing to support the mass entertainment media complex is now immoral. Not only does the money you shell out for a movie ticket, Big Five-published novel, or AAA video game get funneled into Leftist politicians’ coffers, it lines the pockets of sex criminals.
Yet otherwise upright, self-respecting people who are aware of this sorry state of affairs continue forking over their rapidly depreciating currency–not even for the fleeting pleasure of being entertained–but to bitch about how awful the latest poz machine offering is.
Sexual deviants have a name for those who pay money to people who insult them without the benefit of any reciprocal pleasure: Paypigs.
If you:
  • Attended a showing of the latest entry in that SJW-converged franchise because “My wife/girlfriend really wanted to go!”
  • Purchased the newest phone book-sized volume in that long-running fantasy series from that publisher whose employees called you a Nazi because “It’s my guilty little pleasure!”
  • Still subscribe to ESPN to follow that league whose millionaire players accuse you of oppressing them because “I’m a lifelong [Sportsball Team] fan!”
  • Bought the direct-to-video sequel to that early 90s animated hit that the since-converged studio only released as a cash grab/vehicle for Crowleyan satanism because “My girls just love that song!”
Congratulations, you have reduced yourself to a groveling little Paypiggy who actually does go there to be insulted. 

Don’t GIVE money to people who hate you.

Don’t give MONEY to people who hate you.

Don’t give money to people who HATE you.

It’s no use arguing that there’s nothing better to do, not when the fruits of Western civilization have placed a rich cultural patrimony at your fingertips.

Seek out and read novels from the old pulp masters. The treasure hunt is half the fun.

Sample’s library of old-time radio plays. There’s more than you could listen to in a lifetime.

Similarly, features an extensive selection of free movies. Not only do they hail from a time before Hollywood was entirely pozzed, they’re superior to the current-year trash. You could watch one a day for fourteen years and never see the same film twice.

Already read the genre classics? There’s a growing field of talented, pro-civilization authors who are working day and night for your entertainment. To head off references to glass houses and stone-throwing, you can’t say I haven’t done my bit to help rebuild the memory-holed SF canon.

Facing uncomfortable truths about oneself is never pleasant, but one advantage we have over the slavering hordes of the Left is our capacity for introspection and self-examination. If you find yourself committing one or more of the behaviors listed above, stop and think of one actionable step you can take to correct that vice.

The battle for the future of Western Civilization is being fought now and will be decided this year. Which side are you on?

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