Site icon Kairos – By Brian Niemeier

What Is Weimerica?


Heinlein called it “The Crazy Years”. Others refer to it as Clown World. Return of Kings contributor Bryce Lockwood prefers the term Weimerica: a portmanteau of Germany’s prewar Weimar Republic and America, which he defines in this helpful guide.

Among the defining statistics Lockwood cites for our decline into Weimerica are:

In sum:

Weimerica is a colossal, dystopian shopping mall filled with 325 million atomized, rootless individuals with no common culture, cause, language, religion or background, united only by their shared consumerism (“Did you see the Giants game last night?” “Oh my Gawd, Stranger Thingssss!”).

As Vox Day has noted, the United States is no longer a nation. Since the first Civil War it has been a multi-ethnic empire increasingly obsessed with micromanaging at home and meddling abroad. If that scenario sounds familiar, it should.
Despite its inherent flaws, this arrangement remained relatively stable until early in the last century, when the coastal elite who’d come to dominate American politics, media, and academia abandoned the mainline Protestantism that was their nominal faith and fully embraced the heretical death cult of globalist, socialist utopianism.
America’s conquest by Massachusetts trundled along rather smoothly until the ruling class turned openly apostate. Now the majority of Americans who identify as Christians labor under the yoke of a managerial class who hate them–and who waste no opening to mock and deride their subjects.
Consider the scale of this apostasy. Then look at the murder rates–especially the glut of infanticide–in the original post. Better peoples have faced more severe divine chastisements for far less.
The enemy, as always, is Satan and sin. Pause from the incessant chatter of Weimerica, and take a long moment for introspection. If you don’t like what you see inside yourself; repent, resolve to do better, and beg the Christ to mitigate His just judgment against us.
Divine punishments are also divine gifts. Pray the lesson takes quickly and sticks this time.
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