In a turn worthy of a coke-fueled Stephen King novel, reports have surfaced of Amazon’s Alexa digital assistant exhibiting eerie behavior.
Amazon is trying to stop its Amazon Echos, powered by the Alexa voice-activated assistant, from suddenly laughing.
The online retail giant told to tech news publication The Verge on Wednesday that it is aware that some Echo Internet-connected speakers have a laughing problem and is “working to fix it.”
Amazon’s (AMZN, +0.53%) acknowledgement of the issue comes after several people have reported on Twitter and Reddit that their Amazon Echo speakers have started laughing, for no apparent reason. People typically activate their Echo speakers by saying the word “Alexa,” which triggers the device to listen and respond to commands like changing the volume.
The latest laughing is causing some customers to feel unsettled and confused. Other say it’s spooky, like something out of a horror film.
Is Amazon’s latest piece of yuppieware haunted? Possessed? Inhabited by a vengeful Aztec god?
The more tech-savvy commentators offer an alternative explanation.
Amen, The QuQu. |
Want to read something scarier–and more fun–than the unfolding Mystery of the Cackling Bookshelf Speaker? Pick up the first adventure-horror novel in my breakout Soul Cycle series.