…Is revealed as Vox Day attempts to explain the Right’s dire need to produce cultural products that can counter the Left’s highly effective propaganda.
It’s hard not to be stirred by the new SJW anthem, THIS IS ME. It hits all the right rhetorical chords. Only if you understand what the composer and lyricist are doing, and what their underlying purpose is, can you grasp the pure and unapologetic evil of the song. It is literally a celebration of sin and an assault on Western civilization.
And yet, most of those who consider themselves firmly anti-SJW will be tempted to deny the possibility of any ill-intent and to defend it, in much the same way they defend Hamilton, Let It Go, and other weapons of cultural mass destruction, despite the fact that the message of hatred, defiance, and opposition is openly declared.
Another round of bullets hits my skinWell, fire away ’cause today, I won’t let the shame sink inWe are bursting through the barricades andReaching for the sun (we are warriors)Yeah, that’s what we’ve become
My first response to hearing the song and seeing the video was to feel the profound and programmed emotional stirring. My second response was to put that emotional effect in intellectual context, and think, kill it with fire. And my third response was to reflect upon how good these evil rhetoricians are, and realize how far we have to go in order to effectively counteract their influence on the mass culture.
Don’t be surprised if you find yourself feeling oddly defensive of the song. That defensiveness you are feeling is testimony to the power of the rhetoric. But review the lyrics and analyze the imagery. It is powerful cultural programming, but it loses its power and becomes transparent when viewed through coldly dialectic analytical eye. “Reaching for the sun” indeed…..
The Disney paypigs who continue subjecting their children to satanically inspired princess movies no doubt blissfully hum this song to themselves as they wait in the drive-thru at Starbucks. But among the disaffected engineer types who, while smarter, tend to make a vice of excess pragmatism, the equal and opposite problem emerged.
Sometimes we’re called to make noble sacrifices for the greater good. P.S. would pay to watch!
There’s a serious point behind Vox’s semi-facetious lament about possibly having to write musicals. If you want to convince a man, you’ve got to meet him where he is; not where you think he should be.
Galaxy’s Edge co-author Nick Cole has repeatedly pointed out that authors must be market-facing to succeed. The fact of the matter is that our deteriorating education system, demographic shifts, and the SJW convergence of show business have rendered much of the public ill-disposed to buy season tickets to the opera or contemplate the layered meanings of Philip K. Dick style novels.
I’m not just poking fun at right-wing elitists, here. One of the hardest lessons I had to learn from the Soul Cycle was that what I considered rather light entertainment fit for mass consumption proved too complex for casual readers. Experience has taught me that Nick is right. Today’s readers want simpler stories they can easily binge on at lunch or on the bus.
Assuming that others’ marketing resistance is as high as yours is a major blind spot that’s obstructed my vision, as well. The Left’s propaganda pieces may seem trite, formulaic, and banal, but there’s no denying that it works. They won the culture a while ago. If we want to take it back, we absolutely must stop writing tomes that fly over the masses’ heads and producing sanitized Christian films that don’t even appeal to Christians.
Many of the commenters above who argued for the song’s ineffectiveness based on its objective lack of artistic merit probably fall into the ranks of people who lack the dispositions to make new pop culture. That’s perfectly fine. Those people also tend to make up for it with more technical expertise and better-paying jobs–which perfectly positions them to support dissident creators.