Site icon Kairos – By Brian Niemeier

21st Century Publishing

Red Pill Religion

Red Pill Religion put on quite a show last night. It was my honor to join new pub all-stars Nick Cole, John C. Wright, and Russell Newquist for a rousing and informative discussion of 21st century publishing strategies.

It comes as a surprise to me that some aspiring authors haven’t yet heard the good news that the gatekeepers are gone, and we the writers are in full control of our careers. If you’re still querying editors at New York publishing houses (or worse yet, literary agents), you need to hear this episode.

If your marketing plan involves book signings, convention panels, and social media ads, crank up the volume and listen hard. Because Nick, Russell, John, and I are going to tell you how to avoid the mistakes that almost every new author makes. Follow our advice, and save your book.

And don’t forget: This month only, my thrilling Soul Cycle is on sale in eBook and Paperback versions. In fact, with Kindle Matchbook you can bundle the print and digital editions for less than the regular price of the paperbacks alone!

The stunning series conclusion The Ophian Rising is now just $9.99 in print. Get it now!

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