Chris Braly of Bleeding Fool provides proof of the SJW convergence at Marvel and DC that led to #ComicsGate, complete with visual aids.
The following tweets were all posted by former and current creators with Marvel and DC Comics.

It is utterly baffling to me how some normal people can remain oblivious to the glaring fact, howled by SJWs from their New York and LA rooftops, that they hate you just for being normal.
The authors of these tweets may sound like unhinged street corner cranks. They are not. These are the people who write and draw major comics titles at the Big Two comic book publishers. They are members of a satanic death cult that demands rigid conformity of thought among its adherents, so you can be certain that their fellow travelers in the music, television, and film industries have the same spiritual disease.
I’ll say it again, and I’ll keep saying it until reality finally penetrates the thick skulls of people who still pay for comics by Marvel and DC, movies by Disney, and NFL games.
I’m going to level with you. Look at these tweets. Really look at them. Read them carefully. You may feel the urge to assume that the SJWs who wish you dead are kidding. They are not kidding, as the countless normal people whose livelihoods have been stripped away and the GOP politicians and voters who’ve been physically assaulted–sometimes with lethal force–can attest.
From now on, I will regard anyone buying a Marvel or DC comic or a ticket to a Disney movie as morally equivalent to an American who gave aid and comfort to known Communist spies during the Cold War. SJWs want me banished from society and killed. If you buy their products, you advance their goal.
Save the excuses. No one needs yet another YouTube review performing a colonoscopy on the latest Disney agitprop. There’s already superabundant proof they’re converged. At this point, you’re just chasing clicks. As for your wife and/or kids begging to go see Incredibles 2, why the hell would you subject them to a thinly veiled 90 minutes hate?
If you’re still rationalizing your continued consumption of SJW converged media, take a long, hard look in the mirror, because you’re looking at an addict. Don’t be surprised. The Ministry of Truth has been refining their techniques to make this filth addictive for a long time.
Might you have to stop seeing new movies and TV shows altogether? Yeah. So what? You’ve got better things to do. There’s a civilization to rebuild. At the very least, go the fuck outside. Plant a tree. Build a series of dioramas on how windshields are made. Just stop feeding the beast.
Back to Chris Braly, who recounts his own run-in with the monster created by decades of complacency:
I’ve personally experienced this first hand. A former host of the Comic Geek Speak podcast didn’t like my opinions on the forums, so he blocked my Twitter account from being able to view the podcast’s tweets. After blocking me (even though I had never engaged the account), this SJW began to repeatedly subtweet screen caps of mine to insult me for my libertarian politics and constantly insinuated that I was racist, bigoted, and so on, attacking me safely behind his Twitter block. He was never willing to respond to any direct messages from me asking for peace, but always protected by a tiny handful of sycophants that would faithfully rush in to applaud his childish ad hominem attacks on his critics. The lad was curiously unable to respond to substantive criticism other than to name-call and insult from within his Twitter-block safe-space.
It’s a now-familiar story. Speaking of libertarian politics…
Classic Liberalism, among other things, advocates that we should give a floor to all ideas, no matter what we personally believe about them. The best ideas, it is said, rise to the top. They have thrown away key concepts that are fundamental to Liberalism, which they claim to support, such as free speech and allowing all diverse voices a chance to air their grievances, communicate their solutions, and share their views, research, and experiences. We’re not seeing that from comic creators cited above, and several others.
As Chris painstakingly documented, the best ideas do not rise to the top. The vast majority of people are not swayed by logical arguments. They are moved by emotion. The last 70 years of cultural Marxists running amok in America prove conclusively that the most well-reasoned arguments don’t win. The best propagandists and emotional manipulators win.
Note that Chris resorts to the “SJWs aren’t real Liberals” canard, which is no more convincing than the “Democrats are the real racists!” shtick. In point of fact, SJWs are the real Liberals–or at least the Liberals who will follow Liberal ideology to its ultimate conclusions. “Classical Liberals” and Libertarians are simply intellectually inconsistent.
In short, Liberalism has triumphed, and we’re living in its conception of paradise. Enjoy!
Let’s close with a few words from comics SJW Kurt Busiek.

As it happens, there are those of us who do have the creative juice to revolutionize the corrupt arts and media. And we are indeed having a blast.
Isn’t it about time you had a blast while reading again? Get my award-winning, mind-blowing, and lecture-free Soul Cycle series on sale now!

Agreed; building dioramas of military models or making uniforms for 1/6th action figures are sooo much fun. I highly recommend a creative hobby of some kind. It's a small way to participate in creation and civilization.
Speaking of people that hate you…My husband turned on Thor Ragnorok while we were folding laundry because I HAD to see it. No, no, not at all. In the 20 minutes I saw:
1. Thor's power level was inconsistent. Whatever the script said, he did.
2. They kill off two of the Warriors Three as an afterthought as a middle finger to fans of the first two movies.
3. Black Valkyrie (who had to be black, because #sobrave) was unappealing as possible. She didn't have a single feminine gesture or expression. Naturally, she easily bests Thor in single combat.
4. Cate Blanchette was pretty neat as "secret evil sister". She looked and acted like a woman. So hot, sexy woman is evil, scowling androgyny/tranny girl is good. The movie wasn't even subtle about that point.
It was such a relief to escape Thor and journey to Saturday afternoon WalMart.
What you picked up on, and what everyone needs to realize, is that all mass media have been co-opted to proselytize for an alien, hostile religion.
Whenever you see a man-jawed Strong Female Character™ of indeterminate dusky extraction, hear a newscaster droning on about "the community", "inclusion", and "having a conversation"; or an insurance commercial comes on featuring an eye-rolling harridan fixing the mess her oafish perpetual adolescent husband made, know that it's the Cultural Marxist equivalent of the Muslim call to prayer.
“From now on, I will regard anyone buying a Marvel or DC comic or a ticket to a Disney movie as morally equivalent to an American who gave aid and comfort to known Communist spies during the Cold War. SJWs want me banished from society and killed. If you buy their products, you advance their goal.”
From your keyboard to God’s email, Brian. Amen.
Amen, brother.
Nick Spenser's guide dog is clearly dead.
Max Bemis is perpetually triggered–poor little bunny.
Gabby Rivera–a sad bigot now auto-shunning itself from Normal Society.
Such are the wages of sin. Bear not the mark of the (Disney) Beast!
Agreed. I've lost my appetite for most English language cultural products that I'm consuming Romance language stuff. I seriously should get back to my 1/6th action figures but the space to work on them is too cramped where I live.
But now I do some creative writing here and there.
And then there's Chuck "Turpentine will get you drunk! *angry barking*" Wendig in a class of his own.
They are enemies of Christ and Almighty God and should be purged with sword and holy fire. Amen
Deus vult!
I don't know if the quote is genuine, but a holocaust survivor – Elie Weisel? – said "When someone says he wants to kill you, believe him."
We should take people seriously when they make these statements.
We should also respect the fact that SJWs act in total moral accordance with their beliefs. We should do the same.
Leftist blood thirst doesn't surprise me anymore.
It's normies' ability to casually brush off SJW death threats that's baffling.
Dude, get help. Seriously.