Experience shows that the best advice on how to argue with SJWs is that you shouldn’t. You should mock them relentlessly instead.
A relatively recent demonstration from Twitter:

Lesson 1: Do not answer SJWs’ questions. Make them answer yours.

As you can see, I set a trap designed to be difficult for the SJW to avoid. I must admit though, that I didn’t expect him to immediately run headlong into it.
Note: the “Yawn” response, which came more than 20 minutes later, is a sign that the SJW was shaken by my successful turning of the tables and could think of no other reply than feigned indifference. If he really didn’t care, he wouldn’t have replied at all. Instead he was forced into a clumsy attempt to save face.

It’s generally more productive to talk about SJWs than it is to talk to them. When you’ve bludgeoned one with the rhetoric hammer, always take a screencap for your records and your followers’ amusement.

The coup de grace: Though I’d already won the exchange, as evidenced by the SJW experiencing such profound cognitive dissonance that he replied to me while maintaining he wasn’t replying to me, I judged that this customer deserved a special send-off.
The SJW mentality is a cult mentality. These broken souls feel such a desperate need to belong that they’ll zealously embrace the mad dogmas of an inhuman anti-faith. By the same token, SJWs harbor an equally strong fear of being ostracized.
You now have all the tools you need to make every SJW’s amygdalae dance like puppets on your strings. Strategically choose your words to personalize your rhetoric and peel the SJW off from the hive. Remember: these fanatics are all offense and no defense. Hammer them with rhetorical attacks that strike at the core of their shared identity, viz. their devotion to SocJus. For optimal effect, couch these id-withering jabs in exclusionary terms like “You’re not one of us”, “Gross”, “You don’t belong here”, etc.
It bears repeating: Do not attempt to answer SJWs’ loaded questions or engage with them rationally. They do not want information and are only giving you enough rope to rhetorically hang yourself. Go on the offensive, and punch back twice as hard!
If you want an picture of what a healthy publishing industry free of SJW infestation would look like, pick up my fun, never preachy Soul Cycle–now on sale in digital and paperback for old school readers!

Geez you have such a Man with no name quick draw(tm) that it was over before the popcorn was done.
Please slow down. I don't want to miss further entertainment 🙂
I dealt with one in a comic book thread quite the same.
It's easy once you keep in mind that they're being dishonest and have no desire to be rational about anything.
Turn every question against them. No matter what you answer it will be used as ammo against you, so twist it into being about them instead. They will soon get frustrated and wander off trying to "win" before usually coming back with one massively spergy comment to end on.
Keep in mind that they think you're evil and they want to destroy you. Once you remember that it's easy to see everything they do coming before it does.
"Turn every question against them. No matter what you answer it will be used as ammo against you, so twist it into being about them instead."
You've stated succinctly what took me a whole post to say. Well done.
"Keep in mind that they think you're evil and they want to destroy you. Once you remember that it's easy to see everything they do coming before it does."
That used to be figuratively destroy, but then the SJWs started getting people fired for NOT breaking the law. They'll move on to en masse physical violence soon enough.
Sam Hyde becomes more relevant every day.
The groundwork is almost ready
"Don't worry so much about money. Worry if people decide to start killing journalists. That's a quote." -Sam Hyde.
If you find yourself in Utah sometime Brian, I owe you a beer for that Chuckle.
Thanks. I was out there for SLCCC a couple years back. Who knows what the future holds?
Excellent lesson. Post more as they come as this is very useful for the culture war.
Good to know people find them useful. Will do.