Site icon Kairos – By Brian Niemeier

The Bowtie Strikes Back

A major contributing factor to the rise of the new right is the total regulatory capture of purported conservative watchdogs by the Leftist media. The great sellout started with William F. Buckley, whose main job at National Review was making sure actual conservatives were replaced with quisling pod people like George Will.

Contemptible as white paper and bow tie right’s betrayal was, their motives were at least understandable. Instead of settling for a  lousy 30 pieces of silver, they got cushy low work/high pay jobs at globalist billionaire-funded magazines and think tanks. They could pretend to fight the good fight while actually policing their own side to make sure the Overton window kept drifting leftward.

The brass ring for podservatives has always been the coveted position of token house conservative at a big Lefy rag like The New York Times. Will is the epitome of the breed. He recently shed his skinsuit in his regular Washington Post column by urging Conservatives to flip both houses of Congress over to the Democrats this November.

I’ll spare you the tedious particulars. As you’d imagine, Will’s “I’ll take my ball and go home!” pouting fit could’ve been written by a bot that’s been fed a steady diet of Commentary Magazine articles, Cato Institute papers, and Glenn Beck monologues.

Will even couches his call to surrender in cynical rhetoric invoking the manufactured “family separation crisis” that’s a transparent as Reynolds wrap. It’s all there: inside baseball Constitution references, paeans to losing with honor, and appeals to nebulous “principles” that boil down to letting increasingly feral Dems retake the reins of power and enact their most paranoid revenge fantasies.

Here’s a safety tip: If anyone seriously suggests that the Left can ever again be allowed near the levers of power after the mainstream media has spent almost two years whipping them into a frothing psychotic rage with fake news claiming the election was illegitimate, he hates you and should be mocked into oblivion.

Especially effete, spergy atheists all too eager to sell future generations of Americans down the river to protect their ivory tower sinecures.

Attention, George Will: You are not one of us. You are a fake American. You have to go back.

Happily, the whole reason Will had to drop the mask is because more and more of his audience are getting wise to the podservative con. Trump proved it’s possible to win, and he’s showing us how. The NRO set, whose salaries and country club memberships depend on normal Americans staying lulled into accepting the long defeat narrative are exposing themselves as Democrat shills with their feeble opposition to the President.

November is gonna be fun.

Reminder: There’s just one week left to get my award-winning Soul Cycle series on sale in digital and paperback!

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