Model number: CF-06
Code name: Grenzmark II
Nickname: Grento
Classification: mass production flight-capable combat frame
Manufacturer: Seed Corporation
Operator: Systems Overterrestrial Coalition
First deployment: CY 1
Crew: 1 pilot in cockpit in chest
Height: 17.5 meters
Weight: dry weight 50.4 metric tons, full weight 68.0 metric tons
Armor type: carbon nanotube-infused ceramic/steel composite
Powerplant: cold fusion reactor, max output 922 KW
Propulsion: rocket thrusters: 4x 37,800 kg thrust each, top speed 756 kph, 180° turn time 1.65 seconds; legs: top ground speed 190 kph
Sensors: Seed Corporation Halo radar/optical target acquisition and identification system mounted under grilled radome “head”
Optional Fixed armaments: x2 2-Tube missile launcher, mounted on legs
Hand armaments: 115mm machine gun, 40 rounds per magazine; heat axe, battery-powered, stored on skirt armor rack
The Coalition Security Corps recognized the need for an updated combat frame to improve on the rather primitive Grenzmark I’s performance. While Seed Corp hurried the superior but provisional CF-05 Grenzmark C into production, Head CF Engineer Tesla Browning set to work producing the Grenzmark I’s true successor.
Browning developed the basic blueprint for the Grenzmark II in relatively short order. He used the occasion to implement a long-held personal goal: designing a mass-production combat frame featuring flight capability imported from his CF-01-1 prototype. When Browning submitted his design, the Seed Corp board pointed out the high cost inefficiency of turning over their entire manufacturing facility to the Grenzmark II and shipping the finished units to earth. Browning immediately unveiled a bold plan to build a new factory in the Coalition-controlled city of Chicago, which would save the company billions in the long term. The board granted unanimous approval.
The first production run of Grenzmark IIs saw deployment in mid-CY 1. Originally limited in number, the new CFs were initially assigned to sensitive SOC installations, elite combat units, and the commands of well-connected CSC officers. Grento pilots faced a steeper learning curve than the older Grenzie had required, including several hours of additional flight training, but the new Grento’s dramatically enhanced capabilities eventually won steadfast adherents.
Though visually almost identical to the Grenzmark C, the Grenzmark II’s resemblance to its predecessor proved strictly superficial. In addition to a standardized version of the experimental Halo sensor suite tested on the Grenzie, the Grento boasted a far more powerful propulsion system that not only granted improved air speed but enabled sustained atmospheric flight. The Grento’s dramatically increased mobility made it equally capable of launching ground assaults and providing close air support.
A firm adherent of the design maxim “More is more,” Browning beefed up the Grento’s offensive capability with an optional pair of outboard missile launchers and an improved handheld machine gun. A redesigned loading mechanism and double stack magazine allowed the weapon to fire 115mm rounds as opposed to the Grenzie rifle’s 110mm shells while still maintaining the same ammunition capacity.
Despite the Grenzmark II’s impressive performance, the Coalition’s new front line CF wasn’t without its detractors. Many cited an apparent reduction in durability as a major flaw. Some speculated that the Grento’s armor was thinned to improve its flight characteristics by reducing weight. Others of a more conspiratorial bent claimed that CSC Director Sanzen Kaimora ordered the Grento’s armor protection reduced to raise pilot casualty figures as a bargaining chip with the Coalition Secretariat.
Whatever its shortcomings, most saw the Grenzmark II as the maturation of the combat frame platform. Substantively improving on its design would require a paradigm shift in weapons technology.
To see the versatile Grenzmark II in action, read Combat Frame XSeed now!