Leftists took vicious delight in ruining anyone who failed to celebrate their transformation of the West into NYC’s 42nd St. circa 1974. And they could libel, deplatform, and disemploy with impunity while the controlled opposition of Conservative Inc. played the Washington Generals to the Left’s Harlem Globetrotters.
But now that a new generation of dissident right-wingers has taken the field, SJWs are facing real opposition that plays by the Left’s own rules, and their day is getting rocked.
Submitted for your approval: the case of one James Gunn.
James Gunn has been removed as director of the Guardians Of The Galaxy series after a batch of old social media dispatches were unearthed that touched on areas like pedophilia and rape. In the latest shocking #metoo development in the entertainment industry, Gunn was severed from the Marvel Comics Universe after a slew of social media posts he wrote before getting Guardians of the Galaxy surfaced. According to Fox News, they were posted because Gunn is an outspoken critic of President Donald Trump and the effort was to knock him down a few pegs.
Mission accomplished. Gunn has long been a provocateur who has drawn ire in the past for his unusual humor. Among the tweets that forced Disney and Marvel’s hand were: “I like when little boys touch me in my silly place.”
I’ll spare you examples of Gunn’s other choice tweets. Suffice it to say they’re orders of magnitude worse than the degenerate quote above. Even Deadline Hollywood had to drop their feeble attempt at “He’s a quirky provocateur with an edgy sense of humor!” hand waving in the face of Gunn’s filth.
Disney responded quickly and decisively: “The offensive attitudes and statements discovered on James’ Twitter feed are indefensible and inconsistent with our studio’s values, and we have severed our business relationship with him,” said Alan Horn, Walt Disney Studios chairman, in a statement just released.
Lest you’re tempted to feel sorry for this dirt bag, reserve judgment until you see what he tweeted just last month.
Gunn is probably just butthurt he doesn’t have access to those photos.
It’s unclear who’s more contemptible: the Hollywood freaks themselves, or the ex-thought leaders of NRO conservatism who knew Hollywood was packed to the rafters with freaks yet allowed them to continue warping our culture unabated by scolding anyone who dared consider exposing them.
Not that it matters. The Buckleys, Wills, and McCains are done. Now guys like Cernovich and Posobiec are leveraging our enemies’ well-known perversions to take scalps. The Left is finally facing the monster they created, and they’re afraid.
This opens a new can of worms, and might well have Hollywood people trying to strike old missives. What studio looking to hire a director or cast for a major franchise or family friendly film won’t first look back into past social media posts, because this powderkeg was hiding in plain sight and Disney had to know about it because he was posting with regularity back then.
It reinforces yet again that social media is a fine place to wish people happy birthday and sell things, but the need to foist personal opinions that stick like napalm, is potentially a career ending decision. Gunn’s missives in particular were beyond the pale, and have no place in a family friendly environment that is the core of Disney values. It wasn’t like he was registering these opinions after his career changed dramatically with Guardians of the Galaxy. When he was directing films like Slither, nobody cared much what he thought. But his outspoken liberal opinions made him an easy target for anyone who keeps a record of such outrageous commentary, whether it was delivered sarcastically or not.
For those keeping score at home, with a simple Twitter search and help from a couple of amenable news outlets, the new Right has now made SJWs:
- Rush to sanitize their online histories (Good luck. The internet is forever!)
- Changed studio hiring practices to screen out potential ticking time bombs.
- Made Leftists self-regulate their social media activity.
- Forced SJWs to disavow one of their own.
- Turned being outspokenly liberal into a potential career liability(!)