Site icon Kairos – By Brian Niemeier

Doomed to Repeat It

It was only a matter of time before the SJW hive turned its full venom against the lovable upstarts of #ComicsGate. Richard Meyer, Ethan Van Sciver, and the movement’s other independent comic book creators have dared to point out that the emperor has no clothes. Adding insult to injury, they’ve made over $1.5 million in the process.

The SJWs who’ve converged legacy comics stake their identities on controlling the industry. They can’t abide dissent, and being made to confront their waning influence is giving them fits. That’s how you get paranoid hit pieces like this. The Left’s shock troops are convinced they’re fighting a holy crusade against pure evil where there are no means that aren’t justified by the ends. The enemy–us–deserves no mercy, so all bets are off and no holds are barred. SJWs have no compunctions against using slander and outright lies.

This attitude is immediately familiar to veterans of the previous anti-SJW revolts. We saw Law & Order smearing GamerGaters as criminals and Wired dismissing Sad Puppies as a bunch of angry white men. SJWs have one playbook, and anyone who’s been paying attention should have it memorized by now.

That’s why it’s been frustrating to see #ComicsGate repeating all the same mistakes that #GamerGate and Sad Puppies made. Intelligence is learning from your own errors. Wisdom is learning from the errors of others. The thought leaders of #ComicsGate are smart enough to make a killing in the cutthroat publishing world. If their handling of SJWs is any indication, they’re one prime requisite ability score short of a cleric.

Consider this video EVS produced in response to comics SJWs running the angry straight white male script.

Crowdsourcing a highlight reel of minorities who support your movement is undeniably cute, and it gives Conservatives the warm fuzzies. It also allows for some audience participation, which I’m a fan of. On the other hand, pseudo-dialectical appeals like this are utterly useless at achieving their primary purpose. No SJW is going to watch this video and come away saying, “I was wrong about the other side being a bunch of crackers with fragile egos. Looks like I’ve got some major soul-searching to do.”

Case in point:

Again, GG vets will recognize this gambit as a replay of #NotYourShield. It didn’t work then. It won’t work now.

Well-meaning Conservatives fail to understand the implications of the Left’s outcome-based view of equality. If you start from the premise that differing outcomes between various demographics can only be a result of white racism, when fifty years of government policies and billions of dollars fail to erase those differences, the only explanation is that whites are inherently, incurably racist.

SJWs embrace that conclusion as an article of faith. If you’re white, you simply cannot convince someone on the Left that you’re not racist. Nor will any amount of evidence prove to a Leftist that nonwhites are capable of racism. Such concepts are as ontologically impossible to an SJW as polytheism is to a Christian.

Not only is trying to prove to an SJW that you’re not racist a waste of time, it a priori concedes the Left’s outcome-based view of equality. Instead, it should be reinforced that SJWs have no moral authority whatsoever.

OG GamerGater @TheQuQu sums it up well:

Don’t accept the enemy’s frame. Don’t try to make them like you. Do focus on achieving concrete victories.

Those who fail to learn from the past are doomed to repeat it. Word to the wise.

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