We knew that Infowars wouldn’t be the last dissident operation to run afoul of the big tech censors. Mere days after Facebook, Apple, Google, and Soundcloud banned Alex Jones, Microsoft has threatened to shut down free speech absolutist network Gab.
Here’s the announcement from Gab co-founder Andrew Torba.

Building our own platforms is a necessary, but not a sufficient, condition to bypass the SJW gatekeepers in big tech and the mainstream media. As Gab and a litany of other independent dissenting platforms show, if the tech cartel wants you gone, they’ll just exile you from the internet.
The President is well advised to break up the big tech monopolies, or he can wave goodbye to the alternative media that let him make an end run around the Fake News in 2016. It couldn’t hurt to contact the White House and your Congressional representatives about busting the trusts.
Meanwhile, at least Gab is making the most of the situation.

Thankfully, Amazon remains the lone island of market-facing sanity in the big tech Sargasso. Support independent creators while you still can. Pick up my Dragon Award-recognized Soul Cycle books.

And the pressure will be collosal. I advocate that the president take a hard look at the national security angle viz Chinese infiltration in big tech. Is it a coincidence that the ban hammer came down around the time Google announces its censored search engine?
Zuckerberg admires Xi and now revelations about Feinstein.
Too many coincidences to be random
Cue the “Muh free market principles! Muh private company!” clowns arguing against any government intervention here.
I've also seen it argued that Microsoft shutting down Gab–and even F.A.G.S. colluding to ban Infowars–isn't technically illegal.
Even granting that premise for the sake of argument, the big tech firms are still monopolies that are stifling fair competition in their markets. They need to be broken up.
Yeah, the National Review bow tie fondlers are having free-market-induced fits of orgasmic joy talking about how principled they are over defending big lefty texh’s perfectly Englightenment-sanctioned individual rights to silence them all.
Nick Fuentes recently had some libertarian kid on his show to talk about Infowars' shuttening. The kid was so unequipped to answer Fuentes' argument that the free market can't solve this problem that I cringed for him.
Well the bowtie right can’t even acknowledge the problems of empire, so we should not be surprised they are blind to corporate monopoly-empire. Like the liberals to their left, right liberals make a big out appearance appeal to high minded principles but just like their left counter parts, they wish to merely use the law to punish their opponents and enrich their group. Hence why they’ll say muh free markets, muh liberal democracy and muh bill of rights while they champion unfettered corporatist empire and consumer slavery.
This is the sad truth of liberalism, that in the end, it only gives the people multiple choices for their societies that all end in slavery. Be a slave to the state or a slave to the corporate state with the banks ruling all.
"This is the sad truth of liberalism, that in the end, it only gives the people multiple choices for their societies that all end in slavery."
Well said. Note that many bow ties oppose Disney's right to fire James Gunn and Christians' right not to bake the cake.
Fantastic points. The legacy of the much-vaunted Enlightenment really seems to be selfishness over community and family obligations, the whims of the moment over timeless wisdom, material goods (the god of the marketplace) over the eternal, and blasphemy.
And that's just the current crop of rotten fruit. It's an endless abyss.
Time to re-invigorate communication with your representatives and your senators. In addition to Brian's link to the White House, it is always good to work up the 100K signatures on a petition to Trust Bust Silicon Valley.
FedGov makes it easy to contact any level of government official:
Light up your state reps and that local county commissioner who approves which ISP services your area.
You're out of excuses, people.
Thank you for the links MotA.
The frustrating thing for me is that as a non American I have no say in this.
Sure I can complain to the feds but c'mon Sockpuppet Selfie stick? (aka Justin Trudeau)
He's getting tossed around like a penny in the washing machine by the Saudis and none of our allies will pinch hit for him.
Sometimes the penny left in the washing machine (followed by the long, rattling rotation in a hot dryer) can have some of the tarnish knocked off of it through the experience.
Justin needs a bit of stress in his life; the wash will do him good if he has any copper in him.
I doubt it. He's fragile and really doesn't have skin the game (as per Nicholas Nissam Taleb's books) He vapourware in an empty suit.
… and the 17th letter of the alphabet just discussed the potential for "a new Telecommunications Act", in the same breath as the Sherman Anti-Trust Act and (F, G, T, YT).
May the God Emperor be praised!
Get those letters and e-mails to GovReps flowing!