Site icon Kairos – By Brian Niemeier

Secrets of #AGundam4Us

Voice actor and author JimFear138 recently had authors Bradford Walker, Rawle Nyanzi, and myself on his show to talk about #AGundam4Us. If you’re curious as to what the hashtag is all about, you get a detailed summary in this episode. In addition, all three of us lay out our plans for our own mecha novel series.

Bonus: I give an exclusive look into the world and technology of Combat Frame XSeed. I think my spiel on the potential military applications of carbyne blew Jim’s mind. Get the inside scoop on my upcoming Mecha/Mil-SF series at the link!

And if you haven’t backed Bradford Walker’s exciting Star Knight Saga yet, the successful Indiegogo campaign has now entered the lightning round. Get on board to get in on the awesome stretch goals!

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