Site icon Kairos – By Brian Niemeier

Star Fox Style

Star Fox Barrel Roll

A reader left a trenchant comment on my Sky King post that deserves to be showcased here.

My dad and I talked about this guy for about 3 hours yesterday. I don’t think there’s anything more emblematic of the plight of the western man in the 21st century than what Rich did. 

When we hear about suicides in the MSM, I couldn’t have given a shit about Anthony Bourdain or Kate Spade (world-famous boomer multimillionaires living in high rises who have had children) but when I heard about this story, it struck me deeply. Another thing insulting about the way the MSM portrays this story is that they portray it as a news story of mental health and airport security when it’s so much deeper than that. They’re blissfully unaware and ignorant of the deeply profound and tragic story of manhood and the modern age that fell right into their lap. Or did they just choose to ignore it? 

Ed.: They chose to ignore it. The mainstream press are willing bag men for the international corporatist elite who want to turn us all into tech serfs.

In the modern age, we have all our premordial desires taken care of (food available anywhere, limitless pornography, social media, tinder, etc), but at the end of the day, tradition, fraternity, and the nuclear family are not venerated in the ethos of the modern west, and thus, modern man is left with a feeling of perpetual emptiness that can’t be filled. Not only that, but hierarchical structures based on meritocracy in the modern age are hard and rare to come by, so you’re perpetually this cog in a corporate machine, being milked for all you’re worth without any share of the bigger pot, making money for old men who are higher than you in the corporate dominance hierarchy, where the only means of breaking free from it is indentured servitude by a means of a university education, which, most of the time, is worthless once you get out. It’s impossible with a minimum wage job with no chance of climbing the ladder to get a house (that isn’t in the suburbs and surrounded with boomers), to raise children, to fulfill a man’s dream of ultimate meaning and responsibility. 

We have this guy subsisting on minimum wage, joking around with the ATC, knowing he was loved, apologizing if he ruined their day, not wanting to hurt anyone, and taking to the skies to break free from the chains of 21st century life. He stole a $36 million aircraft complete GTA style, did a barrel roll and loopty loop Star Fox style. He soared to the skies like Icarus and paid for the cost of freedom with his life. 

He’s a folk hero of the modern world. And the reason he’s venerated as such and it strikes us in such a way is because of the fact that there’s a bit of Rich In all of us.

Indeed there is. And that’s all you need to know to understand the constant chorus of straight, white, Christian male bashing from Leftist politicians, corporate advertising drones, and the #FakeNews media. They have systematically created a world where the innate potential of young white men has been stifled for four generations now. Sky King provided a sobering reminder of what happens when one of us goes off the reservation. Nothing terrifies the globalist elite more.

Our unelected rulers’ only solace is that so far, second-class citizens who’ve broken the conditioning have flamed out in spectacular but strategically ineffective theatrics. Imagine if the next Rich Russell played it smart and did something constructive. That scenario is nightmare fuel for our elites.

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