The third annual Dragon Awards ceremony took place this past weekend at Dragon Con in Atlanta. The award admins have since released the full list of 2018 Dragon Award recipients.
Best Science Fiction Novel
Artemis by Andy Weir
Best Fantasy Novel (Including Paranormal)
Oathbringer by Brandon Sanderson
Best Young Adult / Middle Grade Novel
Children of Blood and Bone by Tomi Adeyemi
Best Military Science Fiction or Fantasy Novel
A Call to Vengeance by David Weber, Timothy Zahn, and Thomas Pope
Best Alternate History Novel
Uncharted by Kevin J. Anderson and Sarah A. Hoyt
Best Media Tie-In Novel
Leia: Princess of Alderaan by Claudia Gray
Best Horror Novel
Sleeping Beauties by Stephen King and Owen King
Best Comic Book
Mighty Thor by Jason Aaron and James Harren, Marvel Comics
Best Graphic Novel
Brandon Sanderson’s White Sand Volume 1 by Brandon Sanderson, Rik Hoskin, and Julius M. Gopez, Dynamite Entertainment
Best Science Fiction or Fantasy TV Series
Game of Thrones, HBO
Best Science Fiction or Fantasy Movie
Black Panther directed by Ryan Coogler
Best Science Fiction or Fantasy PC / Console Game
Middle-earth: Shadow of War by Monolith Productions
Best Science Fiction or Fantasy Mobile Game
Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery by Jam City
Best Science Fiction or Fantasy Board Game
Red Dragon Inn 6: Villains by Slugfest Games
Best Science Fiction or Fantasy Miniatures / Collectible Card / Role-Playing Game
Magic: The Gathering Unstable by Wizards of the Coast
Last year I predicted that if we rebuffed the SF SJWs’ attempt to establish a beachhead at Dragon Con, the Dragon Awards would grow beyond any group’s ability to control. In 2017 your votes ensured that SJW entryist John Scalzi didn’t become an albatross forever dangling from the Dragon’s neck. The results speak for themselves.
Check out this year’s winners’ circle. You’ve got Andy Weir, Brandon Sanderson, David Weber, Timothy Zahn, and Kevin J. Anderson to name a few. And yes, I note with some satisfaction that I’ve won the same award as Stephen King.
That’s two years in a row of Dragon voters recognizing industry leaders who sell tons of books. Not a CHORF in sight. In contrast, take a glance at the parade of Literally Whos that is this year’s Hugo winners.
Take special note of N.K. Jemisin’s third Best Novel Hugo win in a row. Consider that the SF SJWs managed to get her nominated for a Dragon Award last year–a nomination she declined. The fact that the CHORFs couldn’t even get her on the Dragon ballot this time confirms Jemisin backed out because she knew she couldn’t win a fair and open contest. It also adds to the mountain of proof that the Hugos are rigged.
Now, over the past year folks have been sharing their fears with me that Dragon Con’s weak response to SJW demands in 2017 boded ill for the Dragon Awards’ future. Allow me to dispel those fears.
That’s Mary Robinette Kowal, the SF SJW purse puppy who ruined Brandon Sanderson’s Writing Excuses podcast, getting the vapors over a sign at Dragon Con with the word “kek” on it.
For those who’re scratching their heads, “kek” is a Korean onomatopoeia for the sound of laughter made popular in online gaming. It’s part of the op run by the merry pranksters at 4chan to make the Left reveal how hysterically humorless they are by tricking idiot journalists into reporting perfectly harmless things as white supremacist symbols.
For context, here’s another example that’s risen to prominence recently: the OK sign as secret Nazi dog whistle.
Happily the Dragon Con admins passed MRK’s shit test with flying colors by ignoring her paint chip-eating retarded scolding.
Bonus fun from the intersection of YouTube shitlordery and CHORFdom:
I wonder which stung Hugo winner MRK worse: getting dunked on by Dankula or seeing her more popular co-host win two Dragons at once when she couldn’t muster a nomination? Lucky for us, we get to enjoy both while secure in the knowledge that Dragon Con is run by Are Guys.
Heartfelt congratulations to all of this year’s Dragon recipients. Sincere thanks to everyone who nominated and voted. Give yourselves a well-deserved pat on the back for establishing and defending a healthy cultural hub.
And of course, go check out Souldancer, the first ever Dragon Award winner for Best Horror Novel.