The following was originally a response to a comment on yesterday’s post that I thought deserved a post of its own.
The current orgy of blue falconing exemplifies the convulsions you see when an established ideology slips into decline and new ideas start to supplant it. For instance, the whole Galileo affair can be chalked up to Neoplatonists lashing out as their philosophy fell by the wayside.
Today you have a similar changing of the guard in America, but on a much larger scale. From the founding, the US was a Christian nation led by Enlightenment elites. The people’s ethnic ties, common cultural understandings, and Christian theology held the country together despite the internal contradictions of its Liberal philosophy.
Now the whole ball of twine is busily unwinding, and the rate of unraveling is rapidly accelerating.
It turns out there’s no such thing as equality after all. Liberalism has failed.
Where cucks and moderates enter the picture is the kabuki theater that’s masqueraded as a political process for the last century. American politics has been a Globetrotters vs. Generals game between Progressive, i.e. consistent Liberals and Conservative, i.e. inconsistent Liberals for a while now.
Now, what is actually a series of dissident political movements have emerged to upset the apple cart. Their one shared element is a partial to full rejection of Liberal ideas. I’m not talking high taxes or affirmative action. I’m talking egalitarianism and the unrestricted pursuit of personal preferences.
The rub is that the dissidents are going out and winning against the same Lefties whom Conservative Inc. told us were invincible. These wins not only make Conservatives look bad. They expose the long con the Buckleyites have been running for decades. The rubes are in danger of learning that more can be done than managing the decline, and the BuckleyCons can’t have that. Their paychecks depend on managed and perpetual Conservative losing.
When a ComicsGate YouTuber burns his pinch of incense to appease trannies, declares diversity to be a universal self-evident good, or urges his followers not to sink to the SJWs’ level, you know he’s a yesterday man seeking a place on the Washington Generals’ bench.
The disavowals and backstabbings are the cucks going into panic mode over their waning influence. Conservatives will have to exit the stage before we can really start winning. Luckily, antics like we’ve seen recently mean we’re in the twilight of Conservatism.
2 questions if equality has failed what'll replace it? Hierarchy? I'm leery that it doesn't metatsize into an Indian type caste sytem
2) if conservatism is waning will neo traditionalism(for a lack of an original name) replace it?
Equality is a myth. All the way down to the subatomic level no two things can be equal. The closest we can come is approaching an equality of opportunity (say, lining up people at a common starting line for a race, and you can't do that for life in general), equality of standards (which human organizations play favorites anyway, but those that try to find and promote merit tend to find competent people more as they're drawing from a broader pool), equality before the law (see standards, and the rich and poor will get different treatment, but just systems will try to punish even the rich), etc.
Even equality before god is only because any absolute value of how important you and I are, relatively, pales before the infinite, and even god then judges us by how we did with what we were given.
Well said. God is no egalitarian. The righteous differ in glory as star differs from star. Christ loved John over the other Apostles. The cosmos is a hierarchy with no place left unfilled.
OT: I tried and failed to get in touch with you by other means. Would you like to beta read Combat Frame XSeed?
So basically, even if people dont like Vox, his methods of completely tearing down everything, even the foundation, replace it with a new base then grow from there is a legitimate strategy. I guess the most crazy effective thing opponents did was to Weaponize Vox to use as a hammer against other people they don't like. And now Comicsgate is beating iself up from it.
The hardest thing about the internet is finding the "Patient Zero" backtracking from there, seeing who the players are, then trying to keep your mind open, to sift thru things already colored by conformation bias to get to the heart of the matter. No wonder mainline news media is so lost atm.
I guess the comics industry is gonna go the way of the dodo like trad publishing. It might hang on for another 10 years but it will be a shambling ghost of its former 90s golden age.
"I guess the comics industry is gonna go the way of the dodo like trad publishing. It might hang on for another 10 years but it will be a shambling ghost of its former 90s golden age."
It's ok that these things are dying. They aren't the things you remember anymore, and the Comics Cartel is already a shambling ghost.
Support the new stuff and revel in it.
BTW, comics in the 1990s was the Iron Age. Silver was 1959 to about 1974, Bronze from '74 or so to about 1988. About 2000 to 2009 was Clay Age.
2010 forward: Dung Age.
Interesting. Wonder if Trad publishing for books have a similar strata. Post 2010 for TOR books and others would be….Kindling Age. Kindle beat them and the books they put out are good for Kindling.
PulpRev, Superversive, and other efforts to reclaim entertaining writing have addressed this.
Brian may have additional recommendations, but I think a good starting point is Jeffro Johnson's "Appendix N". Then start digging into Gutenberg and haunting Amazon's free section to find many of the books referenced by Jeffro. See the difference.
And the bibliothèque électronique du Québec for Vernes, Dumas and others who'd like to read in the original French and free. fadedpage.com. for books that are public domain in Canada.
Epub books.com for a great selection.
Sidenote: I consider myself mostly a normie but seeing how my books and other hobbies are being effected…its required some Alice Time. And oh boy, everything since the Hugos has been quite the ride. But in a very real way this has saved my love of books and other things.
I used to think I didn't like sci-fi and fantasy books. Turns out it was the degeneracy I couldn't stomach.
Agreed. It's a reason I don't like American comics of the 70s onwards and prefer the European comics. Far better entertainment.
Recently started getting the Dredd/Anderson omnibuses. Its really good. Its going to take a while to get the 25+ books out for Dredd. Anderson only has 6 collected at the moment but thats ok. Its a mercy for my wallet. I figure Ill get 2 per payday and just let the good times roll.
I hope Conservatives die before they kill Western Civilization.