Big news, audiophiles! JimFear138 of Dimension Bucket Studios was kind enough to produce a professional quality sample of the planned Combat Frame XSeed audiobook. You can check out his rendition of the first chapter right here.
In other XSeed news, beta reader feedback is coming in, and the early reaction is unanimously positive. It looks like I nailed the Gundam feel with this one. But don’t take my word for it. You’ll get to judge for yourself soon–sooner if you claim any of the Indiegogo perks, which all come with early eBook access.
ArtAnon reports that colorization of the line art for the trading cards is proceeding apace. I’ll update you here and on the Indiegogo page when the card perk becomes available.
Don’t forget to back the Combat Frame XSeed Indiegogo campaign. We’ve added new perks, including a one-on-one dinner and signing with me. Get special rewards and help us reach that $5000 audiobook stretch goal!
In a Heartbeat Kevin MacLeod (http://incompetech.com )
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License
I don't like audio books.
I wanted to listen to this, so I tried it out.
The background noise at the beginning and end was very off-putting, but other than that, it was enjoyable.
Thanks for the feedback!
Rest assured, this is just a test sample. We'll work out the bugs for the full version.
Wasn't bugs, it was the music, drums, what have you.
OTOH, I don't do audio books in general, so here's one where you want to listen to people who listen to them rather than me if there's a conflict.
There were a couple of errors–name mispronunciations, mostly–but I dug it.
By contrast, I actually prefer audiobooks to e-books. This was excellent — a great introduction to the story, and I actually want to find out what becomes of Sieg, who done screwed up. Great work.