Site icon Kairos – By Brian Niemeier

Are You an NPC?

If you frequent dissident social media, you may have noticed a lull in the meme wars over the past year. Posting a Pepe or MAGApede meme would like as not get you labeled a Boomer. The salt flow had dried to a trickle as SJWs walled themselves into hugboxes behind block bots. Some feared the meme magic that had won the 2016 election had deserted us.

O ye, of little faith! Despair not, for the anons have delivered unto us a killing meme.

Meet the NPC.

The best part? Chances are you’ve already met the NPC. At work, at school, and online, he probably has you surrounded. Instant familiarity is just one reason this meme works so perfectly.

Obligatory definition for normies; “NPC” stand for “non-payer character”. They’re the computer-controlled characters in role-playing games who Recite the same scripts and perform the same repetitive actions no matter how many times you interact with them.

How did NPCs become a meme? Let’s go straight to the source.

In short, a meatspace NPC is someone with no inner dialogue who espouses a herd mentality and exclusively parrots boilerplate soundbites lifted from Buzzfeed, Hollywood movies, and late night talk show comedians.

Examples from the field:



Another beautiful part of the NPC meme is that it paints and homes in on its targets like a laser-guided missile. If you are offended by the NPC meme, then you are an NPC.

Note that the NPC meme wasn’t originally aimed at the Left, but they immediately flew into a spittle-flecked tantrum about it. Twitter hastily banned the meme.

It’s like the good old days of two years ago are back, complete with SJWs trying to co-opt the meme for themselves and failing miserably because they’re definitionally incapable of understanding it.

Here are some cursed NPC memes from Leftoids.

Try not to fall asleep at your desk while trudging through the wall of code text in that counterfeit meme. It’s not just excessively wordy–note to SJW memesters: Memes are rhetoric, visual rhetoric at that, and brevity is the soul of wit–it’s all wrong from start to finish. The NPC meme triggers SJWs so hard because a) it confronts them with the slavish conformity to the Narrative demanded by their cult and b) the only way to refute it is by publicly stating disagreement with some part of the Narrative, which would mean risking expulsion from the cult.

Conversely, name two people on the Right who haven’t bickered publicly over some point of principle. You’re lucky if you can get two Conservatives to agree on pizza toppings. Attempts to use the NPC meme against the Right fail out of the gate because the Right being a herd of cats is itself a meme.

Next up:

Such thoughtless aping of the NPC meme which, by the fact of its posting reveals the shallow Leftoid who posted it as an NPC, needs no more rebuttal than this:

Don’t give money to people who hate you.

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