Site icon Kairos – By Brian Niemeier

Don’t Think They Won’t Pay

Jude Brett Kavanaugh has been confirmed to the United States Supreme Court. The Senate approved the Republican judge despite a Democrat smear campaign that turned what should have been a routine confirmation process into a three-ring circus. The final vote of 50-48 mirrored Friday’s cloture vote with the exception of Senator Steve Daines, who missed the vote to attend his daughter’s wedding.

Strange as it is to say, Kavanaugh’s ordeal promises to bear fruit that may not have come to fruition in a standard confirmation procedure. First, Justice K, originally a rather staid Washington insider, has likely been permanently redpilled about the Left’s all-consuming power lust. His likely shift to the right is all the more gratifying since it is entirely the Democrats’ doing. He and Justice Thomas should get on well together.

Second, the Left’s go-to tactic of smearing Republican candidates, usually with baseless yet tawdry accusations of sexual misconduct, has been blunted. You can still count on the Dems to trot out more sketchy accusers coached by shyster lawyers for the next key contest. They’ll only ditch the Alinsky tactics when swift and brutal reprisals make trying their usual antics painful to even contemplate.

To that end, Justice K’s accusers must not be allowed to slink back into the shadows like the false witnesses who came before them. We’ve seen the story play out a dozen times: Shady women with Democrat party ties show up to cry wolf with decades-old allegations, ruin a Republican man’s life, and disappear. Christine Ford has already begun her disappearing act by announcing she won’t be pursuing any further actions against Justice Kavanaugh.

Not only should the Kavanaugh family sue Ford and her handlers for defamation and wrongful prosecution, all of Justice K’s accusers should be brought up on federal charges for making false accusations. Senator Feinstein, who withheld Ford’s letter from the Judiciary Committee for months and lied to the Senate about the timeline, must be brought before the ethics committee for censure. Democrats need to learn that the hurting only stops when they stop trying to ruin innocent men’s lives. Luckily, reprisals seem to have been set in motion.

There is one step, however, that would jolt Leftist amygdalae so violently as to make further smear tactics unthinkable. When Ginsburg’s SCOTUS seat opens up, GEOTUS should nominate Judge Roy Moore to fill the vacancy. If you think the salt flowing through Twitter today is epic, just imagine Moore being confirmed by the next Senate 60-40.

Last but not least, Kavanaugh’s confirmation was a team effort that saw Republicans spanning the Right side of the aisle from Donald Trump to Erik Erikson band together for a common cause. That the result was a resounding victory makes further cooperation on the Right highly likely. Everybody loves winning and winners. Today Trump finally proved to the GOPe that following his lead is a winning move. Guys like McConnell now have a vested interest in pursuing Trump’s agenda. I wouldn’t be at all surprised if the next Congress gets serious about legislating the President’s immigration policies.

Establishment Republicans have woken up to Democrats’ “by any means necessary” pursuit of power. They’ve also learned how to successfully thwart it. We may have just witnessed a more transformative moment in US politics than the 2016 elections. Trump saves us from permanent rule by a cartel of international gangsters. Two years later, he is finally in full command of his own party.


Happy, hopeful, and practical

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