number: N/A
name: Harvester
deployment: Unknown, before CY -2000
type: Synthetic diamond armor
2x 35,000kg; top speed 5400 kph; maneuvering thrusters: 30, 180° turn time 0.50
cameras surrounding “mouth”
armaments: double-barreled railgun,
each barrel fires 6kg nanomachine packet, mounted on retractable turret; x4 plasma
claw, power rated at 0.65 MW, mounted on manipulator arms; x4 cutting laser,
power rated at 5 MW, mounted on manipulator “wrists”, x6 mining laser, power
rated at 15 MW, mounted around “mouth”
capability, TC/D drive
type: synthetic diamond armor
kph; maneuvering thrusters: 27, 180° turn time 0.70 seconds; legs: top ground
speed 200 kph
cameras mounted in chest around cockpit canopy
armaments: double-barreled railgun,
each barrel fires 6kg nanomachine packet, mounted on turret; x2 plasma claw,
power rated at 1.3 MW, mounted on arms; x2 cutting laser, power rated at 10 MW,
mounted on “wrists”, x6 mining laser, power rated at 15 MW, mounted around cockpit
type: synthetic diamond armor
cameras surrounding parabolic reflector
armaments: laser cannon, power rated
at 1210 MW
The first unidentified CF, code named Harvester by Coalition Transportation Secretary Sullia Zend, made first contact at the Astraea asteroid base. Along with its partner, it made a show of force that convinced the Coalition to designate it a security threat on par with HALO itself.
Secretary Zend devised a ploy whereby her team was able to obtain extensive technical information about both unknown CFs. Their analysis yielded startling results. Both machines were composed of synthetic diamond in previously unknown alleles and isomers. The diamond’s four-sided pyramid molecular structure allowed it to reform into almost any configuration. Its energy absorption capabilities surpassed those of 1D carbyne armor, and the CFs’ entire mass could serve as a capacitor to store captured charges.
The Harvester appeared to have originally been designed for asteroid mining. Its powerful sensors could “X-ray” space rocks to locate useful mineral deposits. Once a vein was located, its four manipulator arms would latch onto the asteroid, while its extensive array of cutting lasers extracted the material.
Gradually over its long existence, the Harvester was modified for combat. Its cutting equipment could already double as potent weapons, but the pilot took the extra step of adding a double-barreled railgun on a popup turret. This weapon’s drastically different construction led Coalition analysts to conclude that it had been scavenged from a separate source. Both barrels fired tightly compressed packets of nanomachines which would spread out on impact with mechanical targets and interfere with electrical equipment. Pilots of targeted craft would naturally assume they’d been hit with an EMP, realizing too late that they’d actually been “hacked” by millions of tiny robots.
The railgun’s main purpose was to immobilize targets for a coup de gras. Though the Harvester’s combat frame configuration boasted the same lasers and cutting claws as its asteroid miner form, the death blow was usually administered by the immensely powerful laser cannon of the transforming machine’s artillery mode. Sacrificing its drives and other weapons allowed the Harvester to route all power into a massive laser cannon. In this form, it could achieve power outputs in excess of a gigawatt. Lacking mobility, it relied on paralyzing its prey or being carried by its partner.
The Harvester incorporated even more exotic technologies. Its cockpit was a sealed chamber filled with nanite-infused liquid in which the pilot was suspended. It was speculated that the pilot’s body was periodically broken down and regenerated when age or injury reduced functionality below a certain operational threshold. The Harvester’s diamond building blocks could serve as computer logic gates theoretically capable of storing all the information contained in a human brain.
I hope you enjoyed the first custom mech commissioned by a Combat Frame XSeed: Coalition Year 40 backer. There are many more exciting CF designs to come!
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