Over past few months I’ve been working so hard on Combat Frame XSeed: Coalition Year 40 that I’ve neglected to give my readers a proper update. Here’s an overdue progress report.
The final draft of the novel will be finished today. Then it’s off to my crack team of beta readers who will provide valuable insights for the final polish.
I expect to deliver the finished CFXS; CY40 eBook to Indiegogo backers at the end of this month. Due to Amazon’s nitpicky cover approval process, I anticipate that the paperback will be ready to ship out in early May.
Digital copies of the first Combat Frame XSeed eBook have been sent to backers who claimed them. If you’re a CFXS: CY40 Indiegogo backer who chose any perk except for the second eBook only tier, check your inbox.
To backers who selected the Be in a Book, Build-a-Mech, and Be Killed in a Book perks: Yes, I have written you and/or your mech into the novel, and/or killed you.
Last but not least, the second series of CFXS trading cards has been ordered. They should arrive here any minute, and I will ship them to backers as soon as possible thereafter.
Combat Frame XSeed: Coalition Year 40 proved more challenging to write than I’d anticipated. However, it’s all been to the good, as I think XSeed fans will appreciate the extra effort put into the book. This one’s gonna be my most intense novel yet. If you’ve been reading me for any appreciable length of time, you know I don’t make such statements lightly.
You’re in for one hell of a ride. I can’t wait to see your reaction.
If you haven’t experienced the thrilling post future of Combat Frame XSeed yet, now is the perfect time to dive in. Get the first revolutionary installment now, and be ready for the explosive sequel’s release!
UPDATE: Combat Frame XSeed: Coalition Year 40 is complete at 80,000 words and has been delivered to beta readers. Stay tuned for further updates. Backers, keep an eye on your inbox.