This is a scene from a Game of Thrones watching party at a small pub–one of many which take place weekly around the world.
Including on Easter Sunday.
That’s not a picture of people passively enjoying entertainment. What’s captured in this still is an act of worship.
Look at the woman on the right with her hands clasped as if in prayer. The other bar patrons stare transfixed at the screen in a rapt state of communal piety.
Here’s the source video:
GoT fans aren’t the only ones working themselves into ecstasies over shallow mass media artifice.
Every natural human drive has a proper object. If these drives are denied healthy outlets, they don’t disappear. They become warped and perverted toward unhealthy ends.
Just as childless women of a certain age go crazy and start adopting cats, a civilization cut off from the true end of its religious impulses will invest its frustrated piety in man-made substitutes. But instead of the golden calf, we have Star Wars, cape movies, and nihilist Tolkien.
To restore the West, we must restore the liturgy.