Site icon Kairos – By Brian Niemeier

Identity Entertainment

We mischievous iconoclasts who strive to throw back the curtain on the subversion of pop culture must face a harsh reality. Most members of fandom like it where they are.

They don’t want to be redpilled. Like the dwellers in the Matrix, they will fight to protect the system that hates and exploits them.

Pure intentions aren’t enough. The fact is, pop culture has to varying degrees filled the void left by the de-Christianization of the West.

A man’s religion is part of his identity. Any aspersions cast on his object of faith are seen as existential threats. Turning my back on Hollywood while friends and colleagues have held onto converged franchises like Star Wars and the MCU has damaged and even destroyed some of those relationships.

Yesterday’s post occasioned more than one case in point. Multiple folks I consider friends and industry peers rushed to Endgame’s defense. The blow back culminated in a Twitter dustup with fellow author Declan Finn, who’s been a staunch supporter up to this point.

In fairness to Declan, it was pointed out to me that I played rougher than the situation called for. Offense was unintentionally given, and I extend a public mea culpa for my lapse in charity.

Since the strict meaning of an apology is to explain oneself, I’m not angry at anyone–except the death cultists in Hollywood. The intent behind these posts and the offending tweets is to alert people I care about to the spiritual danger they’re walking into.

I’ll lay my cards on the table. Disney is evil. Its content creators and corporate officers include people who hate Christ and His church. Accomplished exorcists like Fr. Chad Ripperger warn that diabolically influenced corporations subject their customers to spiritual attack by cursing their entertainment products.

If you profess Christianity but doubt the reality of curses, you are at odds with Scripture and Tradition. Jesus Himself affirmed that curses are real and effective.

Multiple Disney fans have called me on the carpet for denouncing movies without seeing them. I answer that debating the artistic and technical merit of films made by antichrists who hate us misses the point.

If you caught your friend watching a hardcore porn flick, would you stop to debate the film’s merits, or would you urge him to turn it off?

That the question even needs to be asked is proof of the lingering taint of Liberalism.

We are no longer in a world where two sides debate over competing goods. One side is manifestly evil and shouts it from the rooftops, and there is only one choice.

Don’t give money to people who hate you.

Error has no rights.

Freedom is worthless unless it leads to virtue.

When so many have integrated darkness with their identities, how do you lead them to the light? This is the needle that Christians seeking to resuscitate Western culture must thread.

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