In the midst of a recent Twitter debate with author Jon Del Arroz over the comic book industry’s blacklisting of Conservative Christians, Bleeding Cool Head Writer Rich Johnston made himself the latest candidate for the Witch Test.
Once again, the pure element rejects those who consort with evil. The Witch Test continues batting a thousand.
To Rich’s credit, he didn’t turn tail and run like all the other failed test subjects–at least not permanently. He’s come back to snipe at my Twitter mutuals every few hours in the course of the day I gave him to make that simple profession of faith in Christ Jesus. Yet he refuses to say the words.
Neither Rich, nor any other Death Cult camp follower, can unironically make a positive statement about Jesus because they’re painfully aware of the social costs incurred by openly practicing Christianity.
Rich spent a great many words denying Jon’s assertions that anti-Christian bias exists, but his actions speak far louder. No man can serve two masters, and he’s chosen his.
And despite his feigned principled exception to making public credal statements, his own Twitter bio contains brazen PopCult and Death Cult self-identifications.
The Death Cult is a heretical, Christianity-profaning religion that currently wraps itself in political trappings out of convenience. That’s why Jon’s valiant attempts to argue on the Left-Right spectrum just let Rich lead him around in circles, whereas applying the Witch Test shut him up for hours.
Don’t bother debating politics with death cultists. Go straight to religion.