Online dissident circles were abuzz yesterday with word that technocleric Mark Zuckerberg had issued a fatwa against the infidels on his company’s index of Dangerous Individuals.
The uproar broke out when alt-lite journalist Paul Joseph Watson discovered an ominous update to Facebook’s community standards allowing threats of “high-severity violence” against people who’ve been deplatformed from the site.

A tip o’ the hat to legendary game developer Mark Kern.

People recently kicked off Facebook for being dangerous include Conservative rabble rousers like PJW himself, his old boss Alex Jones, as well as Milo Yiannopoulos and Laura Loomer, who both happen to be Jews but are tarred as Nazis anyway.
Predictably, Facebook walked back their new policy with a hasty update to the update.

The supposed clarification that Facebook’s threat allowance is limited to, “aspirational or conditional threats directed at terrorists and other violent actors,” is an obvious fig leaf. These re people whose whole ethos revolves around twisting language.
The same folks who call Milo, Loomer, Ben Shapiro, and Dennis Prager Nazis long ago abdicated all credibility to define “violent actors”.
We already know that Zuckerberg and his fellow oligarchs define “violence” as insufficiently enthusiastic adherence to the Death Cult. Here he is bragging about interfering with the Irish abortion vote by blocking pro-life ads.
Facebook’s policy rationale has nothing to do with stemming violence. The real purpose behind these guidelines is to make those deemed heretical by the Death Cult de facto outlaws who are fair game for any type of abuse, up to and including death.
The walkback is temporary. Expect even more explicit versions of these anathemas soon, along with their adoption by the rest of the Big Tech cabal.
Our rulers are conditioning the Left to regard anyone who disagrees with them as subhuman. Prepare for the intended results accordingly.
I suspect this was a trial balloon to see how much (official) outrage something like this would gin up. It's all part of battlespace preparation as more and more give up on political solutions and aim at cultural ones. Clown World is the current result of those weapons being employed and it will get worse before it gets better.
Also, pretty sure Milo is Catholic.
"I suspect this was a trial balloon to see how much (official) outrage something like this would gin up."
Absolutely. It's like how Democrats in Illinois introduced the infanticide bill in the State house, withdrew it when pro-life groups raised hell, and passed it a few months later. Standard Leftist play.
"Also, pretty sure Milo is Catholic."
So were the Twelve Apostles.
Fair point, I see what you're getting at.
You’d think the cowardice and ignorance of the Right, both liberal and proper, would signal to these people to just go all in. They must know on some level the average American is still not brainwashed enough to buy in.
They haven't given a fig for what the average American thinks in a long time. Besides, this issue isn't restricted to America. See FB's meddling in the Irish elections on behalf of Moloch.
Among the Big Tech cabal, Facebook usually takes the lead in testing out these Orwellian policies. The only reason they're not going all in right off the bat is a vestigial fear of government action. The more the feds fail to act, the bolder Big Tech gets.
In sum, the Irism PM can be impeached for treason and other high crimes (he's anti Catholic) and the referendum and laws invalidated ab initio.
Zuckerbot for interference.
So Rusia Russia Russia was to distract everyone from real electoral interference.
Colour revolutions via social media. Sores must be ecstatic
My impression is that Facebook already owns their local state and the federal senators…well, are giving significant payments to them to keep them in check, along with possible blackmail. And doing work for the government blackhats has to carry something. The government is filled with more Acosta's and Mueller's than Trump’s.
Testing the waters is smart, as is slow boiling the frog. But these converged companies don’t strike me as monolithically bright.
Can you comment on crime statistics when the blacks film themselves torturing a white boy, or is that still hate speech?
Btw, have you heard any updates on that case? Last I heard ho-thug #1 was not being charged with a hate crime.
I haven't heard any updates.
On the plus side, folks are realizing that if cuckery and "Dems are the real racists!" Boomer-tier rhetoric will get you branded a "Nazi," then you might as well go full DEUS VULT.
Indeed, pushing out the cucky gatekeepers is a monumental over-commitment by the Servants of the Lie.
Some of them will never wake up. Just yesterday I came across a libertarian type who was baffled as to why caving on butt stuff hasn't won NRO style conservatives any brownie points with the Left.
Libertarians aren't allies. They just want the old Democrat party back minus the socialism and sjwism. Although, a lot of them are sjw lite.
The smart libertarians realized you can't have a libertarian society unless you get immigration under control. The rest are Democrats in denial.
Last I checked though, in libertarian circles, people like Hans Hermann Hoppe (sic?) are known names but few have read their books or articles. He was the only one pushing for immigration control back when the issue was being debated in the Mises crowd in the late 00’s.
I despise that Sandberg woman more than ever. Not only does she encourage women to give up raising their own children in exchange for making powerpoints, she works for Facebook.
She exchanged a relationship with her kid(s), one where they feel safe, loved, and develop the ability to form other meaningful relationships in their lives. This would bless her grandchildren, great-grandchildren, their spouses, kids, and friends.
But no, Sandberg tells women to give all that up and "lean in" to their ultimately meaningless careers.
She's a witch.
Helan Dyo dreams,
Don't forget when she was ay Yahoo she abolished the work from home and compelled everyone to come back to the office.
My reaction was why? Wasn't tech work liberating? Work anywhere anytime? And the worst, she spent millions on her office so her kids could be with her while she worked
Xavier, I hate her even more now. What an incredibly evil woman!