The legacy media propaganda machine is currently mobilizing for a two minutes hate against Dr. Jordan Peterson. Apparently the good doctor went on the Beeb to point out some basic facts about economics and human psychology that your average high school student used to take for granted.
The journo they sent in to trap him ended up turning herself into a living example of Peterson’s points. That’s not surprising, because the anti-intellectual cult the Left is beholden to requires them to take it on faith that anyone outside the cult is either stupid, insane, evil, or all three.
I didn’t watch the debate itself. Though I’ve sampled my share of “must-watch” Jordan Peterson videos, I’ve never heard him say anything particularly interesting. His specialty is doling out what used to be called common sense to young adults whose society has utterly failed them on every level.
That’s not a knock against Peterson. We’ve had a couple of generations raised without fathers in deed or in fact, and he fulfills the vital role of imparting useful life skills and counteracting media and academia-inflicted brainwashing. Which is why the media has to destroy him.
As others have pointed out, the press is geared up to run the MILO script on Peterson. They know that further debate is useless–not that they ever meant to beat him in a good-faith contest of ideas; rather they tried and failed to trip him up. So they’re trotting out the tactic that’s been their go-to gambit since #GamerGate: make vague, unsubstantiated claims of harassment, blame Peterson’s fans, and smear him by association. His continued presence is a painful reminder of their humiliation, so the game now is to get him de-platformed and disemployed.
I hate to break it to the hacks in the press penning their hit pieces as we speak, but it won’t work this time. Peterson has two things that past conservative victims of the hate mob lacked: tenure and his own massive platform that doesn’t rely on old media.
That’s good for Peterson, but what about past and future casualties of SJW shriek swarms who lack the same protections? As I’ve noted before, they’re pretty much screwed. After all, the Left wouldn’t bother trying to disemploy and de-platform hatefact purveyors on the Right if Conservatives didn’t indulge them.
It’s been said before, and it bears saying again: Conservatives’ main weakness is their critical lack of solidarity. It comes from the nasty individualist streak in their capitalist and Liberal influences. I’ve seen right-leaning business owners flatly refuse employment to like-minded friends because the job-seekers’ unemployment exceeded an arbitrary 18 month limit. Even an otherwise solid guy like Stefan Molyneux, who speaks passionately about the need to put winning first, says he won’t hire people who’ve “lost momentum”.
One big advantage of being on the Left is that, if you check the right boxes and recite the proper credal formulas, the cult looks out for you. Note the curious phenomenon of lefties in media and business “failing upward”. SJW editors from protected groups who bankrupt venerable sci-fi magazines don’t have to apply at Target. They’re given cushy writing assignments at Marvel Comics. When their unreadable books are inevitably cancelled, there’ll be junior college associate professorships waiting to break the fall.
Conservatives who publicly speak uncomfortable truths are in for a rougher ride. First, the bow tie-bedecked moderates can be counted on to show up and virtue signal at the victim’s expense. “Sure, he denounced the harassment,” they’ll say, “but if he meant it, he’d disavow his unruly followers who’re causing all the trouble.” Always conveniently forgotten is the fact that it’s the Left who are stirring up fake outrage to distract from their loss.
After that, the employer will decide it’s best to discontinue their working relationship with the victim because nothing says “sound, long-term business planning” like sacrificing a productive employee who reliably adds value to the company for the sake of dispersing an angry mob that would’ve lost interest and gone away on its own if management had just ignored them.
The abandoned ex-employee whose name is now mud in the industry where he was a twenty-year veteran is then told to apply for a minimum-wage job so he can at least “re-enter the workforce”. At that point, one of two things happens:
- He finds that all available entry-level jobs have already been filled by women, minorities, and illegal aliens thanks to affirmative action laws that Conservatives were too spineless to repeal and immigration laws they were too lazy to enforce. (And capitalist employers love them because they’re cheaper!)
- He gets the minimum-wage job, earning less than he did on unemployment and food stamps. The aforementioned factors keep him from getting promoted, and he’s right back in the unemployment line in a few months when the almost certainly temporary job ends.
Or you can throw Frank to the wolves and hope they don’t come back for you next time.