Site icon Kairos – By Brian Niemeier

Utopian vs Cultist

The following exchange comes to us from a stalwart reader who braved the reverse madhouse of Facebook, where mental patients keep the sane locked down.

Right away, the poster reveals his allegiance to the older, utopian iteration of Leftism.

This was the form the Left morphed into during the Cold War, when you’d see academic papers and NYT editorials singing the Soviets’ praises right up until 1991.

The utopian Left’s defining feature is the staunch belief that humanity will ascend to a shiny, sexy post-history future if only we can stack the corpses high enough.

There are already glimmers of what’s coming, though. Note that the utopian phase already has religious undertones. Having abandoned faith in Christianity, the utopian constructs a secular eschatology based around A.I. central planning and transhumanism.

Giving the utopians the benefit of the doubt, if there’s no God, and bringing about a posthuman, post-scarcity paradise is mankind’s only hope of salvation, maybe we’d better start filling mass graves until the New Soviet Man appears.

Sadly for the utopians, they’ve been left behind like extras in a Kirk Cameron movie now that Leftism has evolved into its final form.

Utopian, meet Death Cultist.

Reread that debate over killing all humans, and pay special attention to the moral dimension. I’m not talking about whose argument is morally right from an objective standpoint. Both parties are morally retarded antichrists. I mean look at who takes and holds the rhetorical moral high ground.

If you’re confused, I’ll walk you through it. The utopian poses a moral dilemma as a means of virtue signaling. It’s not a question. It’s making the statement, “I’m willing to kill all billionaires to save everyone else. Look how daringly woke I am next to all these bourgeois posers!”

Then the Death Cultist shows up and teaches the utopian what woke really is.

The cultist agrees and amplifies, unflinchingly advocating the mass murder of all mankind. Note that he couches his position in moral terms. Total human extermination, “would do us all good.”

Right away, the debate takes a fascinating turn. Thrown into cognitive dissonance by the cultist’s unexpected answer, the utopian is immediately set on his back foot. He tries to reclaim the high ground by calling the cultist a Nazi, but the attempt fails.

Now, I’ll tell you why the old Nazi gambit failed, and I want you to really let this sink in. Anytime a Leftist calls someone to his right–even a gay Asian journo; even a Jewish YouTuber–a Nazi, the label sticks.

Here’s a utopian Leftist, who wants to kill just enough people to usher in the Workers’ Paradise, trying to use the Nazi label on a cultist who wants to kill everybody, and it doesn’t stick.

The Right has such a penchant for literalistic, linear thinking that the point might be lost, so I’ll spell it out. In our Leftist-controlled social discourse, the Nazi label can only be successfully used by whoever wants to kill the most people when smearing someone who wants to kill fewer people.

When the utopian is identified as wanting to kill fewer people, his argumentation from that point is an attempt to qualify himself to the cultist, who’s already won.

If that reminds you of how hapless Conservatives try and fail to argue against Leftists from within the Left’s moral frame, good job. It’s the exact same dynamic.

The Left isn’t lying when they call themselves progressive. The historical arc of Leftism has rocketed toward seeking the largest body count possible. Compared to somebody who wants to kill everyone, somebody who wants to kill most people is a fascist.

To his credit, the utopian presses his futile argument against human genocide, but the final nail is driven into his coffin when the cultist justifies killing everyone on Earth by saying he feels like it.

The utopian tries a feeble appeal to human progress which is, understandably, utopian. The cultist dismisses the appeal by repeating his desire to kill everyone because he wants to die, and therefore everyone else should bow to his sovereign preference and die, too.

At that point, the utopian is reduced to fully embracing the cultist’s frame. He states that he doesn’t want to die. But it’s to no avail. Having accepted the cultist’s frame that personal preferences are absolute, any attempt to curtail those preferences must be condemned as regressive and immoral.

Knowing he’s already won, the cultist does the standard victory lap. He triumphantly spews pure nihilism, crowing that everyone dies, and he just wants to skip to the end.

Roundly defeated, our utopian retreats back into the fantasy that he cultist just crushed–signaling that the cultist triggered deep cogdis and therefore won.

Sorry, sweetheart. Boeing can’t even keep planes in the air thanks to the policies you vote for. You ain’t going nowhere.

Let this chilling look into the black heart of Leftism be a stark reminder that abandoning the real absolutes of truth and the good to absolutize freedom inevitably leads to mass graves.

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