In light of the World Con voters circling the wagons to snub my readers in 2016, this announcement from the editor of Analog is as amusing as it is predictable.
H/t P. Alexander
Named for Campbell, whose writing and role as editor of Astounding Science Fiction (later renamed Analog Science Fiction and Fact) made him hugely influential in laying the groundwork for both the Golden Age of Science Fiction and beyond, the award has over the years recognized such nominees as George R.R. Martin, Bruce Sterling, Carl Sagan, and Lois McMaster Bujold, as well as award winners like Ted Chiang, Nalo Hopkinson, and John Scalzi.
However, Campbell’s provocative editorials and opinions on race, slavery, and other matters often reflected positions that went beyond just the mores of his time and are today at odds with modern values, including those held by the award’s many nominees, winners, and supporters.
As we move into Analog’s 90th anniversary year, our goal is to keep the award as vital and distinguished as ever, so after much consideration, we have decided to change the award’s name to The Astounding Award for Best New Writer.
Congratulations to Analog for coming up with a more concise and even lamer award name than the Montgomery Burns Award for Outstanding Achievement in the Field of Excellence. Then again, that award was created because Burns accidentally emasculated someone. The Astounding Award specifically recognizes emasculation.
Let the SF SJWs spin all the narratives they want. Campbell’s legacy is rightly dead–killed by his own genre-destroying progeny. The award that used to bear his name no longer exists. Having the CHORFs give me the dirt shoulder only to burn down their own award while my career proceeds from strength to strength feels … astounding!
Speaking of which, the Combat Frame XSeed: CY 40 Second Coming campaign is trouncing both its predecessors thanks to your support! The novel and the CY 20 short story are both funded, and we’ve unveiled our next stretch goal: Series 3 combat frame trading cards!
Get your hands on these awesome rewards and more! Back the campaign, claim your sweet perks, and get us to our new $3000 goal!
That reminds me: Here’s the poll to pick our next run of trading cards. Pick four of the following CFs and post your choices in the comments.
CF-017K Kurfürst |
YCF-00 Type 0 |
XCD-100 |
BC-06CFGM Guardian Ground Type |
AZX-001 Heavy Armor X |
AZY-002 Heavy Armor Y |
AZZ-003 Heavy Armor Z |
AZC-104 Grand Dolph |
Harvester |
XCDS-00M0 XSeed Metatron |
Don’t forget to vote and back the campaign!