The record-smashing crowdfunder for Combat Frame XSeed: CY 40 Second Coming has reached its triumphant conclusion. Thanks to you, the backers, this third campaign surpassed even my lofty expectations.
When I began receiving inquiries about the third XSeed Indiegogo campaign on a more or less weekly basis, I knew that our third time out would beat the second and probably the first.
What I didn’t expect was blowing both previous campaigns away to raise almost as much as the first and second combined!
For authors interested in crowdfunding, this campaign provided a wealth of useful and interesting data. The third outing’s meteoric growth suggests that some readers hold off pulling the trigger until book three, when they’re confident the author will finish the series. Adding signup links on the Indiegogo page garnered a decent number of new subscriptions. Thanks to fellow author Adam Lane Smith for the idea!
In another crowdfunding first for me, Twitter became the #1 contribution source. I’ve been upping my Twitter game lately, and it’s paying dividends.
Thanks again to everyone who backed the project! Perk fulfillment began during the campaign, but if you’re not among those who’d already received the first two XSeed eBooks, check your email.
Once again, readers have helped support independent science fiction. We’ve got lots more mecha fun and surprises in store in the coming months. Keep your eye on this blog, and if you haven’t subscribed to Nova Frontier yet, I strongly advise doing so to get the inside track on Combat Frame XSeed news. Subscribe via the link in the back of either eBook, and get the CY 2 Gaiden bonus story for free!
For those who missed out on this campaign, don’t worry. The first two exciting XSeed books are both available from Amazon. Read them now to get ready for Book 3’s launch!