In the aftermath of game developer Alec Holowka’s suicide, the Post Millennial published an article which shredded the claims by confessed witch Zoe Quinn that precipitated the tragedy.
On August 28, 2019, game developer and activist Zoe Quinn issued a multi-post Twitter statement detailing abuse allegedly suffered at the hands of former partner and fellow indie developer Alec Holowka. On August 29, the Night in the Woods development team cut ties with Holowka, and within 48 hours, he had committed suicide. The same day as Holowka’s suicide, Zoe Quinn’s Twitter account was deleted, returning shortly thereafter under a protected lock which enabled only a few select people to access the tweets.
A source with access to Quinn’s locked Twitter account has provided The Post Millennial with important history which sheds light on the developer’s time with the now-deceased Alec Holowka.
While, in Quinn’s August 28th public statement, Quinn did not specify when the alleged abuses took place, it was stated it was while living in Winnipeg at Holowka’s apartment. A cursory scan of their Twitter reveals Quinn was preparing to leave for Winnipeg at the end of March 2012 for an unspecified period of time and had arrived at the end of March or beginning of April 2012. While those tweets appear to have been deleted and were inaccessible even by The Post Millennial’s source, they had already been screen-captured and archived in a YouTube video prior to the deletion of Quinn’s Twitter account.
On August 28, 2019, game developer and activist Zoe Quinn issued a multi-post Twitter statement detailing abuse allegedly suffered at the hands of former partner and fellow indie developer Alec Holowka. On August 29, the Night in the Woods development team cut ties with Holowka, and within 48 hours, he had committed suicide. The same day as Holowka’s suicide, Zoe Quinn’s Twitter account was deleted, returning shortly thereafter under a protected lock which enabled only a few select people to access the tweets.
A source with access to Quinn’s locked Twitter account has provided The Post Millennial with important history which sheds light on the developer’s time with the now-deceased Alec Holowka.
While, in Quinn’s August 28th public statement, Quinn did not specify when the alleged abuses took place, it was stated it was while living in Winnipeg at Holowka’s apartment. A cursory scan of their Twitter reveals Quinn was preparing to leave for Winnipeg at the end of March 2012 for an unspecified period of time and had arrived at the end of March or beginning of April 2012. While those tweets appear to have been deleted and were inaccessible even by The Post Millennial’s source, they had already been screen-captured and archived in a YouTube video prior to the deletion of Quinn’s Twitter account.
In an August 28th statement, Quinn claims to have been “physically confined” to Holowka’s unit, as well as “isolated” from the outside world. Tweets reveal a different story, with Quinn tweeting regularly throughout the time period in Winnipeg with Holowka, sometimes dozens of times per day, communicating with many others and describing Quinn’s time in the city, and documenting many excursions.
Following the article’s publication, the Post Millennial came under DDoS attack.

The evidence points to Quinn’s white knight sycophants making a ham-handed effort to cover her tracks.
The instigator of #GamerGate should take a lesson from Watergate. It’s not the crime that gets you. It’s the cover-up.
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So how long before Zie gets justice?
At the very least I'm hoping that the deceased's family's lawyer is taking a very hard look at those tweets. At the very least I see slander and proximate cause for contributing to suicide. I'm sure there's more.
It appears Zoe just might be burned for this.
The justice system is a coin toss these days. Mike Enoch wins his court case, James Fields loses his. Vox Day gets a favorable settlement with IGG, Vic Mignogna gets shafted at his TCPA hearing. Who can predict what any unaccountable, nigh-omnipotent judge will do?
That said, the fact that Zoe's goons are out in force trying to cover up Milady's mess shows her camp is at least worried about possible consequences.
Man’s justice is inconsequential compared to God’s justice
Understood. I wonder if the Camadian courts still have a semblance of rationality.
Here's another article by post millenial about Zoe's abusive behaviour
That fact that it came from a fellow developer strikes me that natural law hasn't completely been suppressed. There's an inarticulate indignation about Zoe's behaviour that's waking up consciences.
One last point, we regular guys need to think very hard about how to help gammas toughen up in some way. The very first thing to do is to purge the woke male feminism. It's emasculating as well as slug in the face cringy.
>I wonder if the Canadian courts still have a semblance of rationality
The answer is most assuredly “no”
the various provincial human right tribunals, I'd agree but the regular courts still seem rational. Just recently, the BC court of appeals ruled against Michael Mann (the climate change hockey stick scientist) and ordered him to pay costs.
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Brian’s reply mentioned the court system is akin to a coin toss.
Question, is the brokenness of the courts due to a breakdown in that system/institution or is it due to the loss of morals or something else/combo of effects? If the first option, I’d be curious to learn what happened In the past to cause this or if western justice systems have always been based on human temperament.
On an aside, if anyone here watches PJW, his latest video titled degeneracy is disturbing, as towards the end he discusses people who have abortion fetish. Truly demonic.
It helps to remember that American judges are basically vestigial aristocrats operating in a post-Enlightenment system. "Your Honor" is a style of address for nobility. Article I, Section 9, Clause 8 of the Constitution precludes the US government from granting patents of nobility and forbids government officials from using noble titles. It's telling that judges somehow escaped those restrictions.
Now, modern Western jurisprudence did develop from European nobles' courts, where the barons would settle disputes and mete out punishments among their subjects. Keeping guys around who are de facto absolute monarchs in their courtrooms made sense in a nation of overwhelmingly European, Christian extraction. However corrupt they got, the nobles and judges had the nigh universal assent to Christianity as a check on their excesses. Now we have judges who can act like little Napoleons with no shared morality to rein them in.
I work with a number of judges on a regular basis.
The decent ones, and there are a quite a few, are normally easy to spot because they don't stand on ceremony or titles, though there are a few exceptions. I will describe one below. In the Legal System, there is a term: BRD
Black Robe Disease
Black Robe Disease is an insidious affliction that can take some of the nicest, well-mannered people and turn them into insufferable despots. The easiest way to spot someone afflicted with BRD, for the layman who doesn't see the judge regularly and interact with them outside of the courtroom, is whether they want people to stand every single time they walk into and out of the courtroom. Every. Single. Time. Some will find excuses to leave the bench frequently, because they enjoy the feeling they get when people stand for them.
I will point out the obvious here and say: You don't ever want to go in front of one of those judges. If you do, tread carefully and meekly. I hate counseling such a thing but your liberty is at risk.
Another sign is when they insist on being called obsolete/archaic titles that originated in the English Common Law. Like 'Mister Justice'.
I've known two Mister Justices. I wouldn't want them to hear my case. Evah.
The other awful thing about BRD is there is absolutely no way to predict who will come down with it.
I can think of three cases of BRD where the individual pre-judgeship was a regular, seemingly alright guy/gal. But turned into Micro-Stalin once they put on the black robe. The exception: one case where the guy was a colossal, arrogant D-Bag. If we had been betting men, we would have bet he would be a Tyrant, with a capital T.
Turns out, he's #1 on my list of Judges-I-Would-Trust-If-I-Was-Wrongfully-Accused. Still arrogant, still sometimes a D-bag. But he also happens to be Straight-Down-The-Middle fair and extremely hardworking and conscientious. His calendar is packed because his goal is get as many people seen every day as he can. Unlike some who leave all Mondays and Fridays 'un-calendared' for golf.
Thanks for the insightful anecdotes. They illustrate a point related to my historical overview above. Whether you're a sixteenth century nobleman or a federal judge, it takes real character to exercise that kind of power responsibly. In the old system, a count or duke's authority came from his blood. If he went despotic, the Church was there as a check.
The problem with judges now is that their power is practically unchecked but rests on nothing more than the majority agreeing they have it.