If you’ve been reading this blog since at least the beginning of this year, you’re probably aware of what I call the Witch Test.
Social media these days is rife with concern trolls who shill for Death Cult shibboleths while using Christian doctrines as handy clubs to browbeat Christians. Sometimes they claim to be Christian themselves.
All the Witch Test does is call the impostor’s bluff by challenging him to do what every Christian is commanded to do: publicly profess faith in Jesus Christ.
Several applications of the test by myself and others have yielded two more or less typical reactions depending upon the type of subject being tested.
Avowed Leftist
LEFTOID: Sure, Justin Trudeau wore blackface, but doesn’t the Bible say not to judge?
CHRISTIAN: Proclaim that Jesus is the Christ, and God has raised Him from the dead.
DEATH CULTIST: *sputtering* *evasions* *soon runs away*
Fake Christian
WOLF IN SHEEP’S CLOTHING: Instead of wasting time pushing to outlaw abortion, we should work for the ordination of female deacons!
PATRIARCH OF THE WEST: Confess faith in Jesus Christ, true God and true man.
MOLOCH WORSHIPER: Who do you think you are? I owe my confession to no one but God* alone!
*Neglects to mention that he means Ashtoreth.
What makes the Witch Test so effective is a remarkable phenomenon observed in every application of the test to date. Even though the Death Cultist could simply lie and make a false profession of faith, he somehow never does.
Again, no test subject has, to my knowledge, yet said, “Yeah, I believe that God raised Jesus Christ from the dead. Now let’s get back to discussing why you’re a vile bigot for refusing to celebrate Drag Queen Story Hour.”
Many Twitter inquisitors and Facebook friars have asked me how the Witch Test works.
The answer is presupposition.
Being a Christian heresy, the Death Cult presupposes Christian morality.
But being a Christian heresy, the Death Cult simultaneously espouses a worldview diametrically opposed to Christianity.
The Witch Test confronts the Death Cultist with the contradiction at the heart of his belief system and forces him to demonstrate his moral incoherence for all and sundry.
In short, he can’t profess faith in the God he hates, nor can he deny Him without forfeiting his stolen moral authority.
Here’s what the Death Cultist dreads will happen if he answers in the affirmative.
CHINLESS WONDER: OK, fine. I believe in Jesus.
ST. CHAD OF MERCIA: Praise God for the grace of conversion! Welcome to the fold, brother! *posts screencap of Leftoid’s false confession EVERYWHERE* *Edits his Wikipedia page to read “Born again Christian”* *Uses SEO to get “[Prog’s Name] + Christian” on the first page of Google results*
Here’s what the soiboi subconsciously fears will occur if he plainly denies faith in Christ.
GOONBEARD: No, I don’t believe in your Bronze Age sky daddy myth. Locking undocumented children in cages is still an affront to human dignity!
THE MEMETIC DOCTOR: If man isn’t made in God’s image, then we’re all just moist robots, and moist robots have no dignity.
The second example illustrates how the Death Cult’s morality–or what passes for it–is totally parasitic on the Christian moral tradition. That’s because Christian morality isn’t just the dominant moral system in the West, it’s the ONLY moral system in the West–or more accurately, Christendom.
The best way to fight Leftoid hypocrites cloaking themselves in a facade of Christian morals while promoting enormities that are anathema to everything Christianity stands for is to cut them off at the knees.
The Left always argues from a position of unwarranted moral authority, so take that usurped authority away. The Witch Test works wonders in that regard.
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