It’s not the overall employment numbers. It’s the work force participation rate, particularly among men.
While the administration touts low unemployment, American men are being forced out–and are increasingly opting out–of the job market.
Though the continued importation of unskilled laborers from south of the border and H1Bs from the subcontinent represents a betrayal of the American people by our rulers, immigration alone doesn’t explain why men are dropping out of the workforce.
For the real answer, we must refer to this graph:
It’s no coincidence that the massive influx of women into the workplace mirrors the mass exodus of men.
Not even self-proclaimed TradCons will admit it, but men as a whole are averse to taking part in goal-oriented group activities with women.
The reason shouldn’t surprise any honest student of human nature. The sexes are different and have different innate strengths and preferences.
Men form associations to pursue those organizations’ stated goals.They thrive on competition.
Women join male-created organizations to socialize and gain male attention. They are generally risk-averse and anti-competitive–except when it comes to gaining male attention.
The results of introducing women into the workplace en masse should be obvious. What do you think will happen to a company when a majority of their labor force is socially motivated rather than outcome-motivated?
Now imagine if your company had no HR department.
This is why feminist propaganda deceiving women into thinking that eschewing family and pursuing careers will bring them fulfillment.
Instead it pressures women into a competitive environment, which makes them miserable and makes displaced men feel useless, which makes them miserable.
All the while, the family and the workplace continue to degrade.
The universal vocation of all human beings is to perfect the virtues necessary for living out their divinely ordained state in life. Succeeding in this endeavor is the only way to find happiness. Failure guarantees misery.
The Death Cult’s propaganda is designed to make you miserable. Don’t take advice from people who hate you.